Canadian Cyclist


November 20/12 13:56 pm - Team GSD / Kallisto / Specialized Gets UCI Status for 2013

Posted by Editoress on 11/20/12

Team GSD / Kallisto / Specialized (formerly Specialized Mazda) is pleased to announce that it has achieved prestigious professional UCI team status for 2013. GSD Gestion/Kallisto/Specialized is the only competitive international road team based in Québec and only professional women’s team in Canada for 2013.

The vision of the team’s management is to create a team with access to Europe using the expertise of Jacques Gautier (Founding President of the Management Team GSD / Specialized France).

"We worked together in the past, now we have decided to act in tandem, Jacques and myself, for the good of our success," says Gérard Pennaroya, Team President. This UCI status will open doors for the team to attend the biggest international races and allow the squad’s women to earn UCI points and earn a global team ranking.

This project was made a reality with the financial commitment of GSD management, Kallisto, Specialized, on board since 2006, Mazda Canada since 2006, Thule since 2011, CMS actuaries since 2008, and Jolifilm since 2011.

"The budgetary aspect is huge. We have ... financial guarantees to the UCI. Our machine is well and truly on. We will confirm our ... athletes in the coming weeks," added Pennaroya.

In the past, Pennaroya and his organization have worked with Clara Hughes (Olympic Champion), Tara Whitten (World Champion, track) and Quebec champion, Karol-Ann Canuel (fifth Junior World Championships in Belgium in 2006). The team’s schedule is currently being developed.

The organization expects to have more information available later this month.


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