Stage 4: Oliver Road Race
June 11th
U15 Boys
1 Finlay MacEwen Kallisto FCV pb Peloton ContractingToronto 1:14:46
2 Erik Haaheim Red Devilskelowna s.t.
3 Manu Moore DEVO pb FortiusVancouver s.t.
4 Lincoln Hoel Balance Point RacingWest Kelowna 0:00:03
4 Joel Worman Red DevilsKelowna s.t.
6 Quentin Cowan Cyclemeisters/Bow CycleCalgary 0:00:08
7 Noah Rubuliak red devilskelowna 0:02:32
8 Sasha Bishop DEVO pb FortiusNorth Vancouver 0:04:59
9 Griffen Hart Tripleshot CyclingVictoria 0:05:00
10 James Needham Balance Point RacingWest Kelowna s.t.
11 Lukas Bonkowski JuventusEdmonton 0:05:22
12 Campbell Parrish DEVO pb FortiusVancouver 0:06:30
13 Ian Reinke NCCHAncaster s.t.
14 Reid Kinniburgh bicisportCalgary 0:07:09
15 Connor Bosenberg TripleshotVictoria 0:09:21
16 Oscar Setterington IndependentWhitehorse 0:18:16
17 Remy Garrison TripleshotVictoria s.t.
18 Liam Sargent TripleshotVictoria 0:18:33
19 Cameron Hobbs Red Devils Cycling AcademyKelowna 0:29:21
20 Tristan Crocker Triple Shot Youth CyclingVictoria 0:34:46
DNF Liam Langford Kallisto-FCV pb Peloton ContractingLondon 0:53:45
DNS Isaac Bergen Red DevilsKelowna
DNS Clayton Chapman U Kon EchelonWhitehorse
U15 Girls
1 Lilly Ujfalusi Devo pb FortiusNew Westminster 1:25:12
2 Josie Welbourn DEVO pb FortiusNorth Vancouver s.t.
3 Isla Walker Tripleshot CyclingVictoria s.t.
4 Ana Large Balance Point RacingKelowna 0:00:02
5 Astrid Wuerr DEVO p/b FortiusVancouver 0:00:09
6 Alisha Lilley DevoNOrth vancouver 0:05:03
7 Annie Wyminga Scott Juventus Cycling ClubEdmonton s.t.
8 Isabelle Orsler Synergy RacingBragg Creek 0:05:05
9 Veronica Porter U Kon EchelonWhitehorse 0:11:40
10 Ava irving-staley u kon echelonWhitehorse 0:21:41
11 Mollie Fraser U Kon EchelonWhitehorse s.t.
U17/U19 Boys
1 Ethan Palamerek the lead out projectLacombe 2:12:27
2 Kurt Penno TRT p/b Mosaic HomesSanford s.t.
3 Jacob Gaucher The Lead Out ProjectCalgary 0:00:03
4 Sean Richardson Cannondale pb FortiusVancouver 0:03:48
5 Lars Lof CycleMeisters/Bow CycleCalgary 0:03:51
6 Isaac Van Der vliet TaG Cycling Race TeamCourtenay 0:03:52
7 Brock Hoel Balance Point RacingWest Kelowna s.t.
8 Giuseppe Carone ncch elite p/b MGCCancaster s.t.
9 Jayke Janssen Cyclemeisters/Bow CycleCalgary s.t.
10 Evan Russell TaG Race TeamWest Vancouver s.t.
11 Thomas Schellenberg IndependantChilliwack s.t.
12 Quinn Storey Cannondale pb FortiusBurnaby s.t.
13 Nathan Bishop Connondale pb FortiusNorth Vancouver s.t.
14 Jacob Rubuliak red devilskelowna s.t.
15 Alex Webb JuventusEdmonton 0:04:06
16 Baili Guidi Fulgas RacingKelowna s.t.
17 Adam Attwell Smart Savvy+ GarneauVictoria 0:11:28
18 Gavin Bowen Bowen Sports PerformanceBend 0:11:30
19 Axel Froner Kallisto FCV p/b Peloton ContractinToronto 0:11:32
20 Caleb Bender Dr. Walker Sports Chiropractor CyclGlenavon 0:11:36
21 Michael Meade Cannondale pb fortiusSurrey 0:14:56
21 Jackson Kinniburgh bicisportCalgary s.t.
23 Talon Vale N/aFernie s.t.
24 Ethan Ogrodniczuk Cannondale pb FortiusVancouver 0:20:45
25 Christopher Heinemann JuventusEdmonton s.t.
26 Mathieu Meurer JuventusSherwood Park 0:20:52
27 Connor Hobbs Red DevilsKelowna 0:20:55
28 Aedan Crocker Triple Shot Youth CyclingVictoria 0:21:05
29 Thomas Hargreaves bicisportCalgary 0:21:13
30 Jack Sirman NCCH p/b Dec ExpressHamilton 0:28:01
31 Evan McBeath Cannondale pb FortiusVancouver 0:28:45
32 Peyton Wiebe CSI Cyclemeister Bow CycleCalgary 0:30:18
33 Marc Gauvin Synergy RacingCalgary 0:39:34
34 Colton Blaney Red DevilsKelowna 0:40:49
DNF Conor Martin TaG cycling race teamKelowna
DNF Quinn Fedor Team Kallisto-FCV p/b Peloton ContrKitchener
DNF Tamatea Westby No affiliationSummerland
DNF Aidan Livesey the lead out projectCalgary
DNS Mikael Goh Edmonton Juventus CCLeduc
DNS Sydney Flageole-Bray NCCH ELITE P-B MGCCdundas
U17/U19 Girls
1 Sarah Van Dam Tripleshot YouthVictoria 2:39:09
2 Elisabeth Gin Cannondale pb FortiusSurrey s.t.
3 Kaitlyn Rauwerda NCCH Elite p/b MGCCHamilton 0:00:13
4 Victoria Slater NCCH Elite p/b MGCCHamilton 0:04:27
5 Caitlin Wallin Cannondale pb FortiusNorth Vancouver 0:04:28
6 Ainsley Black NCCH p/b D.E.C. ExpressJerseyville 0:04:42
7 Micaiah Besler TaG Cycling Race TeamSaskatoon 0:04:45
8 Bronwen Campbell Cannondale pb FortiusWest Vancouver 0:10:09
9 Samantha Hargreaves bicisportCalgary s.t.
10 Jaxon Slaney Red Devils Cycling AcademyKelowna s.t.
11 Abbey McGill Juventus Edmonton CCEdmonton s.t.
12 Megan Barnes Tripleshot CyclingNorth Saanich 0:13:16
13 Emma Lazenby NCCH p/b DEC ExpressIlderton s.t.
14 Linnea Uunila Cannondale pb FortiusSquamish 0:17:47
15 Kathleen Turbitt NCCHAncaster 0:21:18
16 Kate Matson Team CannondaleVancouver 0:32:35
DNF Casey Garrison TripleshotVictoria
DNS Elle Bush Cannondale pb FortiusLangley
DNS Maia Matson Team CannondaleVancouver