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April 1/09 7:33 am - Emily Batty to be Mattel Spokesperson?

Posted by Editor on 04/1/09

Canadian mountain biker Emily Batty has been approached by the Mattel toy company to be a spokesperson for their Barbie line. Batty, who recently won the U23 Pan American mountain bike title, caught the attention of Mattel after hundreds of South American fans started posting about the Canadian 'Barbie' that they saw at the Pan Am Championships in Santiago, Chile.

"The postings and photos were forwarded to us by our South American subsidiary," explained Mattel spokesperson Ian M. Fossor. "When we started to research Ms Batty, her wholesome good looks and talent were a natural fit with the Barbie image."

Fossor said that Mattel is already looking into a Mountain Bike Barbie version.

Links to the South American forums which brought Batty to Mattel's attention:


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