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November 5/09 14:40 pm - 2015 Pan Am Games Announcement Tomorrow

Posted by Editoress on 11/5/09

With the Pan American Sports Organization voting tomorrow on location for the 2015 Pan Am Games, what does it mean for cycling in Canada if Toronto and the Golden Horseshoe win?
The National Cycling Centre Hamilton (NCCH) has been a leader in working to promote the funding and construction of a world-class velodrome facility in Hamilton as part of the Canadian 2015 Pan Am Games bid.
As part of its push to bring an international standard indoor velodrome to Canada, the NCCH has released a video making the case for a permanent cycling legacy to provide a home for both our country's top cycling athletes and for community level youth, schools, fitness, and recreational cycling programs.
Click on the link to the video
Let's support this project and ensure that Canadian cycling has the tools and facilities it needs to allow us to compete on the world stage.


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