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Cycling 4 Women


January 2/10 17:46 pm - Indoor Training Session - Mission, BC

Posted by Editor on 01/2/10

In order to help you keep all of your New Year's resolutions Phoenix Velo Training Group is bringing you a special event designed to assist you in achieving your goals for the coming season.

This session is in two parts, the first will be led by Houshang Amiri of Pacific Cycling Centre, and topics will include Recovery Based Training, Use of a Heart Rate Monitor in training and Cycling Efficiency. A question and answer session will follow.

The second part is a three hour Spinervals training session led by Bruce Wenting an NCCP Level III cycling coach and head coach for Phoenix Velo.

"The beauty of this format is that any rider at any level may participate as none can get left behind on an indoor session" states Wenting. "Riders are welcome to ride as long as their fitness and schedule allow, you may take a break as needed and return when ready," he continues," We don't want anyone to be intimidated by overall goal, just do what is in your range."

Cost is only $20 for the entire session. Call 604.826.1411 or email for further information.


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