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March 30/10 18:10 pm - Employment Opportunity

Posted by Editoress on 03/30/10

Speed Skating Canada - Long Track Program Director

Speed Skating Canada (SSC) is the National Sport Organization for Speed Skating in Canada.

The Long Track Program Director (LTPD) is a full-time position encompassing responsibilities for the on site management and leadership of Speed Skating Canada’s National and Development Long Track programs that operate at the Olympic Oval in Calgary, AB. and the Gaétan Boucher Training Centre in Québec City, QC. The LTPD will be responsible for implementing SSC’s strategic plan for on-going success in long track speed skating. The LTPD will play a critical role in ensuring that these ever increasing goals are achieved. This position is based in Calgary but will require travel periods during critical periods of the year.

The LTPD will work closely with Canadian Sport Centres, the Olympic Oval/University of Calgary and the Fédération de patinage de vitesse du Québec (FPVQ)/Ville de Québec to ensure that all necessary resources are delivered to the SSC National and Development Team programs.

Key responsibilities of this position include:

• In association with the SSC Director of Sport and the SSC High Performance Committee Long Track develop and shape the SSC Strategic Plan, including the articulation of multi-year and annual High Performance Program Plans to achieve the established Performance Objectives.

• Lead, monitor the implementation, and evaluate the effectiveness and performances of the National Team Programs and make appropriate adjustments as required.

• Review SSC’s technical performance against short and intermediate term plans, provide gap/system analysis & recommendations, and make appropriate adjustments as required.

• Lead, manage and coordinate all coaching, technical and support staff ensuring that their responsibilities, authorities, and accountabilities are clearly defined, understood, carried out, and evaluated.

The LTPD must also have an interest and be motivated to facilitate the implementation of SSC’s Long Term Participant and Athlete Development model.

The ideal candidate must have knowledge of the amateur sporting system of Canada and of the programs of SSC’s key sports partners. The ideal candidate will have significant high performance experience. Demonstrated management, administrative, and financial control skills will be considered important assets. A significant relationship building, consultative, facilitative and communication approach is required. This individual will possess vision, energy, enthusiasm and the desire to be both a team builder and team player. Bilingualism is an asset.

Job description is available upon request.Please send your resume to before April 10, 2010.


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