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May 7/10 9:50 am - CAA Adds Bike Assist Program

Posted by Editoress on 05/7/10

The CAA (Canadian Automobile Association) is well known among motorists for the services they offer in roadside assistance for motor vehicles, services such as battery boosts, tire changes and towing vehicles to repair facilities.  The organization has now announced that they will be offering the same type of service to their members when they have problems on their bikes - CAA Bike Assist.

Rolling out now in Ontario, the Bike Assist program is described by CAA:

As Ontarians make a shift towards a greener lifestyle and with more and more commuters using their bikes as their main vehicle for transportation during the summer months, we're introducing CAA Bike Assist, roadside assistance for your bike. If you run into a problem that cannot be fixed on the spot, CAA will tow you and your bike to wherever* you need to go. It's available as part of your membership 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Members will not have to pay extra to be eligible for Bike Assist as it will now be a new permanent benefit for existing Members!

*Similar to your Roadside Assistance, Basic Members receive four tows up to 10 km, Plus Members receive four tows up to 200 km, and Premier Members receive one 320 km and four 200 km towing services. Bike assistance counts as one of your allotted roadside calls during your membership year. Service will be provided to cyclists where there is permitted vehicle access.

The CAA Bike Squad will be attending the following events this summer. The Bike Squad will be ready to assist any motorist or cyclist from battery boosts, lockouts, and providing air for your tires for free.

Monday May 31
City of Toronto Bike to Work Day

Sunday June 6
Becel Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart

Saturday June 12 and Sunday June 13
The Ride to Conquer Cancer
CAA Corporate Charity Team Participation on Saturday June 12

Wednesday June 9
School Patrol Day at Canada's Wonderland

Thursday July 1, Saturday July 3, and Sunday July 4
CHIN Picnic

August 20 - September 6

Sunday September 12
MS Society
RONA MS Bike Tour Toronto

More information about the program can be found HERE


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