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June 2/10 13:36 pm - CCA Announces Para-cycling World Cup Team

Posted by Editoress on 06/2/10

The Canadian Cycling Association is pleased to announce the athletes who will participate at the first Road Para-cycling World Cup, taking place in Sevilla, Spain on June 11-13. The 21 member Canadian delegation is comprised of 15 current National Team athletes, three athletes who have met the national team selection criteria for the first time, and three support staff.

"As the host country of the 2010 Road Para-cycling World Championships, we need to send a big delegation to the only World Cup on the calendar. In addition to providing the athletes with an opportunity to meet their opponents before Worlds, we are looking at gaining maximum UCI points as a Nation towards the London [Olympics] qualification process," explained Eric Van den Eynde, Para-cycling National Coach.

The team will be led by Van den Eynde, assisted by Philippe Maheu, physiotherapist from Moncton, and Ottawa-based mechanic, Alexander Fulton.

Daniel Chalifour, B (QC) / Alexandre Cloutier, pilot (QC)
Stéphane Côté, B (QC) / Pierre-Olivier Boily, pilot (QC)
Alexandre Carrier, B (QC) / Luc Dionne, pilot (QC)
Geneviève Ouellet, B (QC) / Émilie Roy, pilot (QC)
Brayden McDougall, C1 (AB)
Matthieu Parent, C2 (QC)
Mark Breton, C3 (QC)
Éric Bourgault, C4 (QC)
Marie-Claude Molnar, C4 (QC)
Shelley Gauthier, T2 (ON)
Robert Labbé, H1 (QC)
Mark Beggs, H2 (QC)
Rico Morneau, H2 (QC)
Mark Ledo, H3 (ON)

B: Blind and visually impaired
H: Hand cycling
C: Cycle (amputee and cerebral palsy)
T: Tricycle


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