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July 13/10 16:58 pm - Mountain Bike National Championships UPDATE

Posted by Editoress on 07/13/10

Join Canada’s Best in Canmore for the 2010 Mountain Bike National Championships

The finishing touches for the Mountain Bike National Championships are underway in Canmore as Edmonton’s Canada Cup hits the trails today.  The courses are being marked, race packages stuffed and awards sorted.  The final countdown is on.

The Best Ways to follow the Races

Pick up a copy of the Rocky Mountain Outlook in Canmore (Thursday, July 15 edition) for a 4-page pull-out that includes the race maps, best spectator viewing areas, kilometre marks and a full event schedule.  The Rocky Mountain Outlook is a free publication available throughout the Bow Valley.  There will be a beer tent at the Canmore Nordic Centre, serving beer and pizza for the duration of the races on Saturday and Sunday.  The beer tent is located in the prime viewing location from the Stadium so don’t hesitate to relax and have a couple cold ones.

If you can’t be in Canmore, follow the race live online from across Canada!  The video and timing feed will be available on

The Little Ziggy

Sandwiched between the elite women and men on Saturday, July 18 will be the Little Ziggy for all of the aspiring racers under the age of 13.  The Rundle Mountain Cycling Club has a significant youth development program with more than 130 kids registered.  The placement of the Little Ziggy race will guarantee the youth inspirational performances by the elites and also allow the elite racers to appreciate the future of the sport.  More information on Rundle Mountain’s youth program is available here

Elite Awards Celebration in Downtown Canmore

The national jerseys and top three prizes for the elite and U23 men and women will be presented in front of the Canmore Civic Centre at 7:00 PM on Saturday, July 17.  Join the celebration and live music before heading to the after-race party at the Wood (DJ’s, drinks and dancing!).

Parties and Celebrations

Friday, July 16 – Get PUMPED for Nationals – 7:00 PM – Drinks and BBQ at the Bill Warren Training Centre.  Perfect for after your pre-ride or dropping off stuff for the expo.

Saturday, July 17 – Sooo Racey, presented by TransRockies – Drinks and Dancing at The Wood in the Town of Canmore

Sunday, July 18 – It’s a Wrap – Drinks and Dancing at Communitea – just in case you have any energy left after a weekend of volunteering and racing… this is the place to get rid of it!

TransRockies Registration Credits Still Available

Registration credits, valued at $500 are still available from Rundle Mountain Cycling Club.  These credits may be your only way to get into the TR3 this year as registration is fast selling out.  Email for more information.

LuluLemon Bike Wash

Get your bike washed and make a donation to a great cause on Saturday, July 17.  LuluLemon will be providing a bike wash by donation at the Canmore Nordic Centre.  You’re welcome to wash your bike multiple times!


Still open –

Race Clean – Change in time and location - Geoff Kabush is inviting junior kids interested in taking their racing to the next level to join him for a talk about racing clean on Friday, July 16 at 12:30 PM (noon) at the Canmore Nordic Centre (Day Lodge, Café North).  More information is available at

Short Track Clash for Cash – Due to low registration numbers and high volunteer requirements, the Clash for Cash has been cancelled for this year.  Watch for it next year with a new format, course and date/time.


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