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Cycling 4 Women


July 14/10 23:45 pm - Week 1 Fantasy Tour Winners

Posted by Editor on 07/14/10

Sunday, July 11th, was the end of the first week of the 2010 Canadian Cyclist Fantasy Tour - Sponsored by Specialized, and we are ready to announce our first winners. With 161 points, Crusher4 wins the Specialized S-Works helmet, valued at $249.99, while Week One Flyers, a slim two points back has the choice of either Arc II or Roulette Optics. Both prizes are generously donated by Specialized. Complete standings after stage eight are listed below. More prizes from Specialized will be awarded at the end of Week Two.  (Note: Points have been corrected)

Player Points
Crusher4 155
Week One Flyers 153
Cobble-mania 152
Cobble-nausea 152
mellen5 152
Nickd1 152
super stacked 152
zola inter 152
Crusher1 150
Goatee 150
Wicked1 146
Crusher2 145
race44555 145
Team Rookie 5 143
bradley_reiter 141
track 140
FF 137
Dave3 136
carnbot5 135
davids2 135
gofast 135
grizzly5 135
Ridin Dirt 135
Starry Chavanel 135
wicked3 135
Ironsheild1 133
kings 133
kmb - early promise 133
wicked5 133
AAAsprint3 131
jaja1 131
SM2 131
tonys3 131
Sprinters 128
ViveLeTour 128
Jovies 127
santinos1 127
Team Abdou 127
allezallez 126
Ellie 126
Win mY bike 125
Zarlock 125
grizzly3 124
santinos2 122
santinos4 122
tonys4 122
Beth2 121
bikecrazy 121
Crusher5 121
Semi-colon 2 121
Sixone2 121
Starry Night 121
joeys2 120
julie_reiter 120
lisa4 120
aaaaaconty 119
Beth 119
Docdar-Nine 119
Geoguy Picks 3 119
Grace 119
kmb - mountain planner 119
RIversRun 119
Starry Day 119
Team Hannah 119
The Bear 119
davids3 118
Team BACC 118
Allezallez5 117
Beth1 117
Beth3 117
Ironshield3 117
Jennifer 117
Nathan 117
aldo3 116
aldo5 116
allezallez3 116
carnbot4 116
franny2 116
franny3 116
jaja2 116
jaja4 116
jaja5 116
joeys1 116
tonys5 116
Bibu2010 115
Campione II 115
Campione! 115
carnbot1 114
Crusher3 114
davids4 114
franny1 114
franny4 114
hardknox 114
jaja3 114
joey3 114
Princess Netty 114
The B Team 114
clarkie 113
Dave2 113
Ironshield2 113
Pink helmet and a Single Speed :) 113
rod o 113
Team BACC2 113 113
Hot Panda 112
jpf2 112
Netty 112
Allezallez4 111
Beth4 111
dp1 111
Ironshield 111
Ironshield4 111
thecyclistsedge.com3 111
AAAsprint4 110
aldo1 110
JFP 110
joey5 110
MattO 110
Muscles 5 110
Nickd5 110
Team Skibunzov 110
AAAsprint1 109
Gumboot 109
Sixone1 109
The A Team 109
grizzly 108
jellowyerseys 108
lisa5 108
mellen2 108
Nickd3 108
Semi-colon 3 108
Sprinters 108
Xtreme4 108
33333 107
AAAsprint2 107
AAAsprint5 107
JPHCross 107
Les Vaches de la Rue 107
mellen1 107
mellen4 107
Nickd2 107
Sixonefl 107
Team Rookie 2 107
track34 107
Xtreme 107
Yellow John 107
zola final 107
Dave4 106
grizzly 4 106
i like blue 106
jmoote1 106
kmb - steel frame technology 106
Silly 106
Sillywalk 106
Steeder 106
Sweet and sour 106
Team Rookie3 106
Xtreme5 106
aldo2 105
lisa1 105
SM3 105
FF1 104
kings2 104
OliB2 104
Rotten Bananas 104
Semi-colon 104
Suffer Monsters 104
Team Rookie 4 104
thecyclistsedge.com1 104
Applecross4 103
davids5 103
ABanana 102
Bananalicious 102
Cobblicious 102
fire 102
Grizzly2 102
JW2 102
Lulu Digs 102
Marked Men 102
mellen3 102
Nickd4 102
rcclarkie 102
Spartacus 102
stevesh 102
Surprise Attack 102
Team Rookie1 102
YummyCoffee 102
YummyMummy 102
guidos1 101
Muff cycles 101
Amy team 1 100
Campione III 100
Lulu Jams 99
Road Rash 99
Asti 98
Babu 98
Bibu2010b 98
Dave1 98
Editor 98
Muscles 1 98
Ridin rails 98
Taco 98
Twracing 97
Amy team 2 96
jmoote2 96
SM2 96
OliB3 95
cclarkie 94
get special 94
lisa2 94
lisa3 94
Lulu Rocks 94
rclarkie 94
faster3 93
Bibu2010a 92
bzag 92
Chops 92
joey4 92
OliB5 92
roxy 92
taylors team 92
allezallez2 90
Black Shoes 90
donkey 90
Himself 90
Himself2 90
JLR 90
JW1 90
Lulu Spins 90
RMBint 90
Tuesday #1 90
turbulentflow 90
vtplanner2 90
worzy 90
Amy team 3 89
bobgrasscycling 89
carnbot3 89
The Core 89
tonys1 89
FF4 88
Thecontenders 88
Black sportcoat 87
Black Hat 86
Editoress 86
Geoguy Picks 2 86
Lulu Cranks 86
Road Rash 2 86
Sixonelongshot 86
fdringo 85
goodstuff 85
Taco 3 85
Hanninen 84
Livestrong 84
Sixonesprint 83
Geoguy Picks 82
News Team 4 82
OliB4 82
Storm the Bastille 82
Tbone 3 82
thecyclistsedge.com2 82
Applecross 80
Black belt 80
FF3 80
Road Rash 4 80
Bolts 79
guidos2 79
guidos4 79
jpf 79
OliB 78
BluesXMan 76
Cheaters Always Win 75
rclarke 75
Tbone 4 75
Andy looks hot in Yellow!! 74
franny5 74
orange juicers 73
Amy team 4 72
Amy team 5 72
davids1 72
Garrett3 72
kmb - not on a unicycle 72
santinos3 72
tonys2 72
Tooerdayfrance 72
Victory 72
Xtreme3 72
Swan 71
Garrett2 70
Ridin Dirty 70
santinos5 70
FF2 69
FloydFairnessFund 2 69
Wicked2 69
chico 68
tilly4 68
Tuesday #2 68
turbulentflow 68
turbulentflow 68
guidos5 67
Sperky 1 67
aldo4 66
jpf1 66
Velocista 64
FloydFairnessFund 1 63
Ridin 63
Ridin the Dream 62
Globemasters 61
Applecross2 60
GC Threat 60
Old Dirt 61 60
Road Rash 3 60
thecyclistsedge.com4 60
tilly5 60
Les Differents 59
newbs2 59
Skibunzov2 58
Team Skibunzov4 58
Team Stacked 58
astro 57
tilly1 57
Muscles 3 55
Roulleurs 55
ab4 54
Muscles 2 54
ab2 52
slim chance in hell 52
trichick 52
ab1 50
ab5 50
Bikes Rule 49
guidos3 49
ab3 48
Muscles 4 48
Tbone 1 48
Black Slacks 46
Team Skibunzov3 46
Maggie 45
mtbyak 45
young guns 44
SM3 42
Applecross3 40
Dark Horse 40
bbb2 35
Tbone 5 35
tilly2 35
carnbot2 34
lemon juicers 34
Taco2 34
newbs 33
newbs 33
cranberry juicers 32
faster1 31
Applecross5 30
Specialized 27
skysthelimit 26
kmb - banff towne 25
DCgreen 24
tilly3 24
bbb1 19
lime juicers 19
Climbers 18
Tbone 2 17
Clyde S Dale 15
SM1 13
Team North America 8
jpf3 1
Lone Wolves -5



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