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July 19/10 12:40 pm - PreFondo Event to Raise Funds for Signage

Posted by Editoress on 07/19/10

Corsa Cycles just wants us all to get along and share.

The Squamish bike shop is hosting a social and cycling event, the PreFondo, on the evening of August 6th, with all proceeds going to purchase "Share the Road" signs for Squamish.

"Road riding has increased in popularity almost exponentially over the past few years," said Corsa Cycles owner Dave Heisler, "and these signs are just a reminder to motorists and cyclists that they're not alone on the road."

Heisler said that while most riders and motorists respect one another, the signs reinforce safe riding and driving habits.

Organizers are expecting upward of 200 riders to participate in the PreFondo, with groups being led out beginning at 5:30 pm.

The event is a preview of the GranFondo, a 4000 participant, mass-start road ride from downtown Vancouver to Whistler, on September 11th.

Participants in the PreFondo will return to Corsa Cycles at Squamish Station Mall by 7:30 for a barbeque and social event, where they can purchase raffle tickets for an entry into the the RBC GranFondo Whistler as well as other great prizing, with all proceeds going to purchase "Share the Road" signs for Squamish.

Specialized Bicycles will also be on hand providing a limited number of demo bikes for participants to try.

To register for the PreFondo, go to how/926. Participants in the PreFondo do not need be registered in the GranFondo.

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