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July 23/10 9:11 am - OPEN Para-cycling Training Camp in Victoria, BC

Posted by Editoress on 07/23/10

The Canadian Cycling Association is pleased to announce its first Para-cycling OPEN Development Training camp in Victoria, BC, from September 9th to 12th. Initially, two OPEN camps were scheduled in the National calendar (East and West). Because of the cancellation of the Eastern camp, concentrated efforts have been made towards providing a Western opportunity will help the athletes benefit from this initiative.

The purpose of this camp is to identify and recruit new Para-cycling athletes that have the potential to reach the National Team time standard in 2011. During this camp, the CCA will also try to focus on recruiting athletes in unrepresented classes on the actual National Para-cycling Team.

This "OPEN" format means that all Para-cyclists are welcome to apply, with no criteria from this year's racing results. Final selection will be made according to the selection policies, published in a document that will be available shortly.

Athletes interested in registering should send an application form (.pdf) to Sébastien Travers, National Para-cycling Development coach ( and to Julie Hutsebaut, Para-cycling coordinator ( before Friday, July 30th. Final selection will be announced on August 13th.

Please note that this development activity could not be held without the financial support of Sport Canada and Own the Podium.

Courtesy CCA


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