Posted by Editoress on 08/16/10
Canadian Cyclist has an opportunity for writer / cycling enthusiast to participate on the front lines of our sport at the Mountain Bike World Championships in Mont Ste Anne, Quebec, at the end of this month. Canadian Cyclist is the online partner with the organizers of the World Championships, and we intend to cover every aspect of the event - from the racing, to new tech, to interviews, to rumours and gossip.
Ideally, we are looking for someone who is equally prepared to interview athletes on the finish line, call in updates from the side of the course and check out the newest equipment in the pits. As a member of our team, you will have the best access to all the activities. You will also be prepared to work the hours required to get the job done. English speaking or (even better) English and one other language. You don't necessarily have to have formal journlisn training - if you blog or run your own personal site, that makes you a potential candidate also.
What do we offer for this unique opportunity? Well, no pay ... but we will cover transportation (from as far away as Toronto), accommodation, your press credential, and most meals. You will need to be on-site from no later than Wednesday (September 1st) to the end of racing on Sunday (September 5th) - if you are traveling a considerable distance, then you will probably leave Monday (September 6th).
Interested? Then you need to send in an application as soon as possible (ie, this week). We want to know something about you - your background, experience (both in cycling and writing), and why you are the person for this position.
Send your application to:
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