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September 2/10 22:37 pm - Interview: Cayley Brooks

Posted by Editoress on 09/2/10

Interview with Cayley Brooks, fifth Canadian finisher in the Junior women's cross-country Wednesday and 20th overall in the race.

CC: How was your race today?

Cayley: Hot. Pretty much it. Just hot. Well, hot and slippery because of all the dust.

CC: You’re covered in dust. Did you only fall once?

Cayley: Only once, but I rolled.

CC: Where did you fall?

Cayley: Through the long, dusty corners, near the finish. On my first lap.




Some of the Americans who were cheering her on during the race nicknamed her "Dirty Girl" because of this.

CC: Is this your kind of course?

Cayley: No. I wouldn't say I'm much of a climber. I like the technical parts but not the climbs.

CC: Have you raced here before?

Cayley: Twice. For the Canadian Championships and at the World Cup last year. It's a pretty fun course.

CC: Did you give it your all?brooks

Cayley: Yeah. My knee's pretty sore. It hurt me the whole race. Actually, at first I didn't feel it, I thought it was fine, but then the adrenaline wore off and it hurt. There were tons of rocks where I fell.

CC: So you're happy with your race?

Cayley: For the day, yeah. I would have liked to do better but it was tough. It was probably the hardest race I've ever done. I’d raced here before and I always thought those races were hard but because of the heat it was way, way, way harder.

CC: Is there a part of you that is not dirty?

Cayley: My face. And my hands.

Interview by Sarah Moore


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