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November 17/10 12:51 pm - PCC November Camp a Success

Posted by Editor on 11/17/10

Pacific Cycling Centre's first off-season winter training camp - held November 4-7 - was a great success. The camp, held in Victoria, BC, featured over 500 kilometres of riding in four days. Led by Head Coach Houshang Amiri, the focus was to build endurance and design an appropriate training program for the athletes.

Day One of camp featured two time trials: a 4.4km technical uphill, and a 10.8km rolling TT. "We will use the numbers - time, HR and power measurement - from these TT's and future testing in the coming weeks, to identify training targets for each athlete," said Amiri. "We have more than a decade of data already built from previous TT's."

The second day focus was to assess climbing technique and ability with hill repeats in different gear combinations. The ride then continued on the Peninsula with a three-hour ride for the female athletes, and a four-hour ride for the males. This was followed later on that afternoon with an indoor dynamic strength session focusing on flexibility and overall body strength.

Day Three's focus was on working and assessing pace line technique while targeting aerobic capacity. Three groups rode a 2x10km course, each group observed by Amiri and then given feedback. While the female group finished the ride after three hours, the rest of the group did the Willis point climb, finishing the ride on the Victoria waterfront. The final day of camp focused on leg speed and sprinting techniques. The terrain was a mixture of fast flat sections and steep climbs.

All of the athletes had some positive comments on the camp. "It was a great way to get back to training after some good time off," said Erinne Willock. "We did some good rides and we met all the new people in the Centre.  People are in good shape and it should be a successful group for winter training."

Chris Hillier admitted to be 'tired and sore' after the camp but felt it very beneficial. "It has shown the areas in which I need to improve. This information will be vital for my training and with great rides and great workouts, this training camp has helped provide the perfect base for my 2011 season."

"The group rides and gym sessions are at a level that demands the best from me, and in return offer me a valuable boost to my fitness and strength to carry forward into the base season," said Andrea Bunnin. "I gained a lot from the knowledge and support offered by Houshang, and I enjoyed training with the other athletes."

New PCC athlete Annie Ewart enjoyed her first camp, "Houshang's commitment, support, and attention to detail is amazing. I had a great time, and I am looking forward to the next one."

Amiri believes that camps like these are essential to building future champions. "Without structured training and places that young talent can develop and learn from the elites, and also have daily interaction with a coach it is hard for an athlete to progress. Camps offer ongoing training, help develop qualities in an athlete and a sense of belonging. This is the key to success."

"We would like to thank Action Motorcycles for supporting PCC in running this camp, and we welcome any business and or organization who would like to support us and our talented athletes on their road to excellence."

The second winter training camp is scheduled for December 9 - 12. For more information go to:


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