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January 11/11 10:50 am - Ontario News

Posted by Editoress on 01/11/11

What's happening in Ontario.  Have more?  Send to

Preliminary Schedule of Sanctioned Events

The OCA has released the Preliminary Calendar for sanctioned cycling events in 2011.

George Terry Scholarship

George Terry, accomplished cyclist and Sports Hall of Fame inductee, passed away in 2005, but his legacy lives on in many ways. The George Terry Scholarship is one of the ways his contribution to cycling and community involvement carries on.

The scholarship will be awarded to an individual who has met Seneca College’s requirements and who has participated in the Tour of University Heights Bike Race. This individual will also have demonstrated a commitment to helping others in their community and/or having overcome adversity.

Value: $500.00 to be applied toward tuition fees

Awarded at the Community Unity Alliance Annual Scholarship Fundraiser. Please call Awards and Admissions at Seneca College for more information on how to apply.

George Terry Bio

Ontario Coaches Conference

The 5th annual Ontario Coaches Conference will be held from February 25th to -27th, 2011 in London.This year's conference will incorporate the theme "one to one". The relationship between a coach and their athlete is a key factor in the development of skills and a positive attitude. A great coach inspires, challenges, and motivates their athlete to reach their full potential. It’s the fostering of such relationship that builds better athletes and better coaches. The 2011 Ontario Coaches Conference aims to explore that one to one bond.

This event will bring together over 350 of Ontario's finest coaches for a weekend of learning, networking and celebration. In partnership with Tourism London, the conference will take place at the London Convention Centre, located in the heart of the city. Coaches can enhance their expertise through a combination of National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) training and hot coaching topics like debriefing performance, coaching female athletes and legal considerations of social media.

Full Schedule

Costs and registration

Presenters for the conference include: Dr. Peter Jensen, Dr. Vicki Harber, Dr. Natascha Wesch, Kevin Lawrie, Caron Shepley, Ian Kennedy, Ed McNeel and Bruce Craven.

Courtesy Coaches Ontario


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