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January 14/11 9:34 am - Peterborough's WINTER Bike Week

Posted by Editoress on 01/14/11

Bike week in Winter?

Starting on January 16th with a group ride, and finishing with a Clinic on winter cycling, with a week long Local Bike shop tour in between, there's a lot to keep the cycling enthusiast suffering from the January blah's enthused.

Anyone interested in winter cycling and wanting to learn more there's a course on Sat Jan 22nd that you won't want to miss. "Dust Off the Snow and Enjoy Winter By Bike", will teach you (almost) everything you need to know how to safely and confidently get around in winter on your bike.

Clifford McCarten of the Peterborough Community Bike Shop and Shifting Gears' Brianna Salmon will teach the real-world skills that empower and protect cyclists during the winter riding season. Both Brianna and Clifford have completed the League of American Bicyclists' Certified Instructor training course and have a lot of experience cycling during the cold months.

During the day-long course you'll learn how to ride confidently in traffic in almost every kind of weather, be it sunny skies or snowy days. You will discover street-smart handling skills and get solid advice about winter equipment, tools and traffic law.

Aimed at adults and teens, this fast-paced course makes confident and strong beginners, and refines the skills of experienced riders. The course is happening on Saturday, January 22nd (10 am to 4pm) with the cost being $20 for those 18 and over and $15 for ages 14 to 17.

More info at Peterborough Moves

Other events in Peterborough in January include:
Group Ride: Sunday Jan 16th from 12-2:30
Local Shop Tour: Jan 17-23

For more information go to Peterborough Community Bike Shop


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