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Cycling 4 Women


January 14/11 18:40 pm - WANTED! Desperate Athlete

Posted by Editoress on 01/14/11

CompuTrainer is looking for an athlete who is desperate to improve his or her cycling performance in the next 12 months.

The "chosen" athlete will become a well-known face in the CompuTrainer marketing program for 2011 and will WIN a FREE CompuTrainer as well as a specifically designed 12 month program to help him/her boost his/her bike performance.  The program will be created and monitored by Coach Simon Ward - rated the top triathlon coach in the UK in 2009 by 220 Triathlon Magazine - who is also the UK distributor of CompuTrainer.  The program will include weekly schedules with detailed content for each workout and an exclusive monthly Skype call with Simon to discuss progress and future training.

Only hardened masochists comfortable with social media such as Facebook and Twitter should apply

To enter, please e-mail outlining why you should be the "chosen one" in less than 100 words including a shipping address with your application.

Deadline for applications is midnight January 31, 2011


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