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Cycling 4 Women


February 12/11 11:53 am - Good Friday Road Race Update (Ontario)

Posted by Editoress on 02/12/11

Race co-ordinator Marc Risdale writes...

For the past few months, rumours have swirled about the fate of HCC’s venerable Good Friday Road Race. The worst-kept secret may have been its proposed new location: downtown Dundas. While we had the support of the city and area BIA, in the end the cost of policing put that course out of reach… for now.

Undeterred, the HCC will take the 2011 race back to Strabane. We are tweaking things slightly this year to create a ‘furious rectangle’ of 5th Concession West, Westover, Safari and Brock roads. Not to worry, the drumlins you love to hate are still the defining feature of the course.

Easter comes late this year, putting Good Friday on April 22, which all but ensures fantastic weather for Ontario’s only true Spring Classic.

Not sure you want to race? There are plenty of ways to volunteer. We need drivers for each race, registration officials and course marshals. Every volunteer gets a meal, and drivers are reimbursed for their gas.

Not only is Good Friday one of the most anticipated events on the Ontario road race calendar, it is the Hamilton Cycling Club’s main fund raising event. Everyone that takes part, either as a racer or volunteer, makes a significant contribution to our worthwhile programs including youth development and area trail building.

Entering the race is easy, just visit the OCA website  and click away to your heart’s content. If you’d like to volunteer in any way, just email me at marcrisdale(at) and I’ll find the spot that’s right for you.


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