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Cycling 4 Women


March 1/11 13:15 pm - Junior Pan Am Trials at Forest City & Burnaby Velodromes

Posted by Editoress on 03/1/11

The Junior Pan American Championships are scheduled to take place in Mar del Plata, Argentina from April 11th to 17th. Based on the fact that the CCA has just received date confirmation from COPACI regarding these Championships they have no choice but to proceed in the accelerated selection policy as described below.

The CCA will select the Junior Pan American Track Team from riders having met the set Selection Criteria listed below.

Trials will be organized at Forest City Velodrome in London, Ontario, and at the Burnaby Velodrome in Burnaby, BC on the following dates. Athletes interested in attending the National Junior Track Team Trials in London are asked to e-mail Rob Good at by March 4th. For those wishing to attend trials in Burnaby please e-mail Jeff Ain at by March 7th.


Forest City Velodrome Trials - Saturday, March 5th and Saturday, March 12th at 3:00 pm

Burnaby Velodrome Trials - Wednesday, March 9th and Friday, March 11th at 4:00 pm

The final team selection will be at the discretion of the National Track Coach. Upon exhausting the Selection Criteria listed below, the National Track Coach will fill the remaining Team spots based on items mentioned in clause 11.1 in the Track Selection Policy that is posted on the CCA website (Track: National Team Program).

Objective: Select athletes to represent Canada at the 2011 Junior Pan American Track Championships.

Following are the minimum time standard:

Flying 200m: 11.50 (Men), 12.80 (Women)

Individual Pursuit: 3:36.5(Men), 2:40.8 (Women)

Points Race 500M - 2km: 33.30 - 2:26.4 (Men), 37.10 - 2.45.00 (Women)


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