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Cycling 4 Women


March 4/11 21:56 pm - Last Chance for Shimano Swag at Toronto Bike Show

Posted by Editor on 03/4/11

Day One at the Toronto Bike Show for the Shimano special offer to readers of Canadian Cyclist was great success, with dozens of Saint hoodies handed out.  They now have a very limited number of Saint hoodies and, if you go to their booth and tell them that Canadian Cyclist sent you, they will give you one for free - this is the only way to get one of these hoodies.  Quantities are limited, so make it one of your first stops at the show.

Canadian Cyclist has teamed up with Café Domestique to bring you an in-show espresso bar, run by master barista Krys Hines.  Besides great coffee, you can purchase beans from Krys, and a portion of all the proceeds will go towards the Forest City Velodrome.  Drop by the Canadian Cyclist booth to chat and have a shot of espresso!


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