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March 20/11 8:53 am - Volunteer Trail Building Day At Hilton Falls (Ontario)

Posted by Editoress on 03/20/11

Conservation Halton is looking for assistance to help prepare the trails at Hilton Falls for the 2011 Mountain Biking Season on March 26th.

All volunteers are asked to meet at the Hilton Falls Visitor Centre between 9 and 9:30 am. Volunteers will be divided into groups and tackle a couple of projects - one group will be building a bridge at a location that is very wet in the spring, and the other group will be closing a couple of trails agreed upon by Halton Region, Conservation Halton and the mountain biking community.

Volunteers are encouraged to bring their mountain bikes to transport themselves to the work location. Please dress appropriately for the weather conditions to work outside; work gloves and safety glasses would be beneficial as well. If you have a battery operated drill that you could bring, that would help in the building of the bridge (red Robertson bit).

We anticipate working for approximately four hours then returning to the Visitor Center for a lunch which we will provide to thank volunteers for their assistance. Hopefully you will be able to join us and we will get good working weather.

Please confirm your attendance to Hilton Falls staff at 905-854-0262, ext 0, or email Hilton Falls at Please note this event will take place weather permitting and the finish time is approximate.


Volunteer Trail Building Day At Hilton Falls
March 26, 2011
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Courtesy Conservation Halton


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