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May 17/11 20:22 pm - North Shore Credit Union Test of Metal weekend

Posted by Editoress on 05/17/11

Event filled weekend planned for the Test of Metal

Another full weekend of fat-tire fun is assured for this year's North Shore Credit Union Test of Metal weekend on June 17th  to 19th.

In addition to Saturday’s marquee event—the 16th annual North Shore Credit Union Test of Metal —there are activities organized to keep everyone entertained throughout the weekend.

“We’re planning to hold a number of event to complement the race,” said Test of Metal race director, Cliff Miller. “There will be some of the things that visitors have come to expect, plus we’ll be sure to keep some surprises too.”

The weekend’s events kick off on Friday afternoon between 4:00 and 4:30pm with the Republic Bicycle sponsored Show and Shine Cruiser Ride starting at the Bean Brackendale and winding to downtown.

Downtown Squamish will be the place to be Friday evening with the return of  the “Pre-Test Festival.” Beginning at 6 pm  events offers opportunity for people of all ages to participate in bike-friendly activities.

“The focus for this events is families,” said Cliff Miller, Test of Metl President. “We want familes to come downtown with their bikes and participate in a bunch of fun, family friendly-activities.”

This year will see the return of “funny-bike race” and the always popular bike limbo. There will also musical entertainment provided by Squamish performers Carolyn Grass and Tessa.

Miller said that although all ages are welcome to participate, waivers will have to be signed for some activities and participants under 18 will need a parent to sign, so he encourages parents to come to the event with their children. All events are free of charge.

On Sunday, the ever-popular Mini-Metal, hosted by Corsa Cycles, takes place at the Station Square Mall. Last year more than 200 up-and- coming riders aged from 3 to 10 years old  participated while their parents ate a pancake breakfast hosted by the Squamish Lions Club.

Sunday afternoon, the gurus of granite hit the slabs in Valleycliffe for Tantalus Bike Shop's  Rockstar Invitational Downhill. Each year Squamish's best downhillers compete for bragging rights and hundreds of people line the course to watch these talented riders.

The Test of Metal is 67 kilometre mountain bike race is the most successful cross-country mountain bike in Canada and has sold out for the last 14 years.

The Test of Metal Inc. is a not-for-profit entity run by volunteers, and any proceeds from the race are returned to the community through charitable donations. Since its inception, the Test of Metal has donated more than $145,000 to community organizations and events.

More information about the Test of Metal weekend can be found at


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