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May 31/11 12:02 pm - Upcoming OCA MTB Camps

Posted by Editoress on 05/31/11

The OCA is offering 2 camps for Young MTBers


OCA 2011 U-15 Skills and Development Camp - All Shredders Welcome!

The OCA is offering a U-15 MTB Development camp to be held at Hardwood Ski and Bike in Oro, ON on Sunday June 19th.

Maximum number of participants is 50

Deadline is Friday June 10th, 2011

Come out for a day of FUN, riding and skills development. See why last year's participants are still talking about the lunch time olympics. Make some new friends and join some of Ontario's top Junior racers for a day you will talk about for years to come. Keep your eyes peeled for a couple of "very special guests." as well. The theme for the day, Riding is fun, racing is fun, FRIENDS ARE FOR LIFE!

Entry form  HERE

U-18 Development MTB-XC Monster Camp

The OCA is pleased to announce the new date for the 2011 U18 MTB Megacamp.

The camp will be on Saturday, July 30 and Sunday, July 31 at Hardwood Ski and Bike in Oro, ON.

The decision was made to make this camp a MTB specific camp as there are many road and track athletes that will be attending Track Provincials in London that weekend.

Application form  HERE


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