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July 15/11 11:06 am - Tour de la releve Internationale de Rimouski: Stage 1

Posted by Editoress on 07/15/11

Results from the first stage of the Tour de la relève internationale de Rimouski on July 14th in Rimouski,QC

Women, 68 km
1 Tennessee Mayer (Can) Team Canada "A" 1:48:13
2 Gabrielle Fortin-Pilote (Can) Team Canada "A" at s.t.
3 Élise Brouillette (Can) Espoirs Quilicot - Specialized 12:34
4 Sarah Huang (USA) NOVA Sports Foundation
5 Léa Audet (Can) Club Acidose
6 Corrie Osborne (USA) NOVA Sports Foundation
7 Allyson Gillard (Can) Team Canada "B"
8 Amélie Bruneau (Can) Espoirs Quilicot - Specialized
9 Dafné Théroux Izquierdo (Can) Espoirs Laval 3
10 Zoe Reeves (USA) NOVA Sports Foundation
11 Marie-Ève Poisson (Can) Club Acidose
12 Alizée Brien (Can) Team Canada "A" all s.t.
13 Janie Rioux-Coulombe (Can) Team Canada "B" 12:34
14 Rosalie Cardin-Houle (Can) Espoirs Laval 3 19:13
15 Emily Elbers (USA) BORAH Development F
16 Audrey Bernard (Can) Team Canada "B"
17 Laurie Dumas (Can) Spidertech/Powerwatts
18 Gabrielle Matte (Can) Amos 4
19 Emmanuelle Boilard (Can) Myca-CC2R F
20 Ariane Bonhomme (Can) Myca-CC2R F
21 Justine Dallaire (Can) Spidertech/Powerwatts
22 Bailin Xie (Can) Amos 4
23 Josiane Boily (Can) Atrium #1
24 Roxanne Pépin (Can) Atrium #1
25 Maude Martel (Can) Atrium #2
26 Lisha Herold (USA) BORAH Development F
27 Hélène Pilote-Fortin (Can) Spidertech/Powerwatts
28 Niki Reker (USA) BORAH Development F
29 Marie-France Thivierge (Can) Club Acidose all s.t.
30 Frédérique Larose-Gingras (Can) Atrium #2 27:38
31 Audrey-Anne Blais (Can) Espoirs Laval 3 28:13
32 Noémie Fréchette (Can) Atrium #1
33 Marie-Pier Simard (Can) Club Acidose
34 Catherine Ouellette (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil
35 Jacqueline Denny (USA) BORAH Development F
36 Josianne Bonneau (Can) Atrium #2
37 Josianne Mottard (Can) Myca-CC2R F
38 Ève Desjardins (Can) Myca-CC2R F
39 Katherine Lafrenière (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil
40 Josiane Lessard (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil all s.t.
41 Noémie Armstrong (Can) Amos 4 28:16
42 Catherine Blais (Can) Atrium #2 s.t.
43 Gabrielle Wilson (Can) Espoirs Laval 3 29:39
44 Rosalie Cyr (Can) Atrium #1 OTL
45 Renaude Tousignant (Can) Amos 4 OTL
46 Laurence Beaumier (Can) Québec métro F OTL
47 Hana Berkooz (USA) NOVA Sports Foundation OTL
48 Claudia Boisvert (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil OTL
49 Alexandra Michel (Can) Québec métro F OTL
50 Camille Bédard (Can) Québec métro F OTL
DNF Laurence Paquette (Can) Espoirs Quilicot - Specialized
Men, 68 km
1 Daniel Parks (USA) Chipotle Junior Development 1:47:12
2 Olivier Miclette (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil at 0:56
3 Marc-Antoine Soucy (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 1 1:01
4 Sébastien Dumont (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil
5 Vincent Désilets-Jacob (Can) Espoirs de Laval 2
6 Charles Finnigan (NZL) Team CHCH
7 Imari Miller (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
8 Michael Dessau (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
9 William Allard-Laverdure (Can) Espoirs de Laval 4
10 Rudyard Peterson (USA) BORAH Development
11 David Drouin (Can) Vélocité Drummond
12 Jérôme Bastien (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 1
13 Will Simonds (Can) Team Ontario
14 Simon Fothergill (Can) Team CHCH
15 Evan D'Hartig (USA) BORAH Development
16 Étienne Dubuc (Can) Lapraicycle Inc
17 David Carignan (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 1
18 Anthony Bousada (Can) Vélocité Drummond
19 Francis Bertrand (Can) Myca-CC2R
20 Felix Lamy (Can) Ottawa Bicycle Club
21 Noah Williams (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
22 Carl Gagnon (Can) Vélo Mauricie
23 Rémi Bernier (Can) Club Cycliste de Rimouski
24 Jonathon Schilling (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
25 Neil Symington (Can) Atlantic Cycling Center
26 Benjamin St-Onge (Can) Côte-Nord
27 Philippe Labrecque (Can) Vélocité Drummond
28 Benjamin Veillette (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 2
29 Mathieu Boutin (Can) Myca-CC2R
30 Jordan Cullen (USA) BORAH Development
31 Jeremie Lacasse (Can) Ottawa Bicycle Club
32 Adam Jamieson (Can) Ottawa Bicycle Club
33 Jeff Bilodeau (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 2
34 Julien Dulac (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 2
35 Trevor Rolette (USA) BORAH Development
36 Guillaume Larose-Gingras (Can) Vélocité Drummond
37 Charles Thibault (Can) Myca-CC2R
38 Christophe Rivard (Can) Espoirs de Laval 1
39 Rafaël Gagnon (Can) Proco Alma
40 Lucier Dawson (Can) Team CHCH
41 Emmanuel Gagné (Can) Espoirs de Laval 1
42 Connor Rapus (Can) Team Ontario
43 Olivier Brisebois (Can) Côte-Nord
44 Julien Roussel (Can) Atlantic Cycling Center
45 Marc-Antoine Germain (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 2
46 Edouard Tougas (Can) Prud'homme-IGA all s.t.
47 Jake Silverberg (USA) Chipotle Junior Development 1:10
48 Zack Gould (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
49 Carlo Villarreal (USA) Chipotle Junior Development
50 Antoine Muzzi (Can) Prud'homme-IGA
51 Richard E Rainville (USA) Atlantic Cycling Center
52 Miguel Lukaszewicz (Can) Prud'homme-IGA all s.t.
53 Sean MacKinnon (Can) Team Ontario 1:20
54 Guillaume Roussel (Can) Espoirs de Laval 1 1:20
55 Timothy Austen (Can) Ottawa Bicycle Club both s.t.
56 Shawn Turcotte (Can) Prud'homme-IGA 01:31
57 Jérémie Désilets-Jacob (Can) Espoirs de Laval 2 s.t.
58 James Orton (Can) Team CHCH 02:12
59 Devin Doiron (Can) Atlantic Cycling Center 02:32
60 Biran Falk Dotan (Can) Team Ontario 09:46
61 Alexandre Bourgeois (Can) Proco Alma 11:31
62 Philippe Pepin (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 1 13:35
63 Jean-Simon D'Anjou (Can) Québec métro
64 Laurent Levasseur (Can) Québec métro
65 Nicolas Barriault (Can) Vélo Club Longueuil
66 Antoine Laferrière (Can) Vélo Mauricie
67 Gabriel Charpin (Can) Vélo Mauricie
68 Étienne Delongchamps (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3
69 Daniel Plourde (Can) Côte-Nord
70 Fabien Parent (Can) Myca-CC2R
71 Vincent Waddell (Can) Espoirs de Laval 2
72 Louis Beaulieu (Can) Lapraicycle Inc
73 Jérôme Corneau (Can) Espoirs de Laval 1
74 Mathieu Celestin (Can) Espoirs de Laval 2 all s.t.
75 Émile Beaulieu (Can) Club Cycliste de Rimouski 13:42
76 James Sabourin (Can) Espoirs de Laval 4 13:59
77 Jacob Bellemare (Can) Proco Alma 14:01
78 Alex Lessard (Can) Proco Alma s.t.
79 Tristan Paquet (Can) Québec métro 14:44
80 Christopher Govig (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3 14:47
81 Samuel Harrisson (Can) Club Cycliste de Rimouski 20:14
82 Yannik Lecours (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3
83 Alex East (Can) Espoirs de Laval 4
84 Raphaël Pouliot (Can) Québec métro all s.t.
85 Félix Boudreau (Can) Vélo Mauricie 20:26
86 Mark-Étienne Drouin (Can) Côte-Nord 26:31
87 Alexandre Moreau (Can) Espoirs de Laval 4 29:12
88 Marc-Antoine Sabourin (Can) Lapraicycle Inc 29:27
DNF Jean-Christophe Gervais (Can) Club cycliste d'Amos 3


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