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July 21/11 17:29 pm - Queen's Park Grand Prix on Hiatus in 2011

Posted by Editoress on 07/21/11

The organizers of the Queen's Park Grand Prix today announced that the race will not be held this year. The Queen's Park Grand Prix stands as the signature cycling event in the city, attracting thousands of spectators and hundreds of racers. To stage an event of that size, sponsorship at a significant level is required.

"When reviewing the 2010 version, it became clear that for 2011 it had to improve, and it had to grow,” said Paul Parker, producer and owner of Hello Velo. "Grow in its appeal to top-level racers, as a showcase for our great city and in its draw for spectators. More than just a race, it was our intention to produce an event that appealed to both the dedicated cyclist and someone just out for a day on the town."

There was some consideration given to scaling down the event but that is not what people have come to expect of the race. Broadening the appeal, making improvements and increasing the level of competition is the long term goal.

The producers would like to thank the sponsors from last year and those that had also signed up to support the event in 2011. A special thank you to the special events and parks staff, bylaw officers, police and emergency services of the city of Toronto, the officers of the Legislative Assembly and the University of Toronto for their support in making the 2010 edition happen.

Planning to bring the event back in 2012 is underway.

Press release


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