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July 21/11 17:35 pm - Grand Re-opening of Commonwealth Legacy Velodrome

Posted by Editoress on 07/21/11

The Greater Victoria Velodrome Association is pleased to announce the Grand Re-opening of the Commonwealth Legacy Velodrome at the Juan de Fuca Recreation Center on Friday, July 29th, at 6:30 p.m.

The mayors of the five westshore communities and directors of the board of the West Shore Parks and Recreation society have been invited to attend and participate in a ceremonial ride on the track as part of the festivities.

The public is invited to attend the evening which will feature a night of racing with Vancouver Island's top track cyclists demonstrating their skills in various individual and team races.

Pizza will be available for the public for donations to the 'Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock', our charity for this event.

The Commonwealth Legacy velodrome was built for the 1994 Commonwealth Games and has served as a major training and racing facility ever since, including the 1998 World Cup of Track Cycling, and several Canadian Track Cycling Championships as well as the B.C. Track Cycling Championships annually.

The velodrome was closed in September 2008 over concerns with the disrepair of the artificial turf infield, which has since been removed.

The Greater Victoria Velodrome Association was formed in 1991 to promote cycling at the facility and to preserve its legacy in the public's interest. Currently this group is the custodian of the facility and organizes the Monday and Friday night races as well as the training sessions and learn to ride/race programs at the track.

In August there will be a three day Madison racing event, "Friday under the Lights" races for prize money each Friday night leading up to the Provincial Track Cycling Championships on the Labour Day weekend.


For more information on coming events, including the National Team training camp, please go to our website, , and contact Chris Anstey, President, GVVA,

Thank you for your support in our efforts to preserve this legacy facility and promote cycling on Vancouver Island.

Press release


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