Posted by Editoress on 07/29/11
Master 50+ Women Provincial Category announced for MTB XC Provincial Championships
The Ontario Cycling Association, after receiving much member feedback, is introducing a Master 50+ Women Championship category for the 2011 MTB XC Provincial Championships, to be held in Duntroon on September 11. All women over the age of 50 (regardless of whether they are currently in the Master 40+ Women Sport or Expert categories) are eligible to participate in this two lap race. In addition, this category will be open to one-event permit riders, although as is the case with all Provincial Championships, only OCA UCI licensed riders are eligible for provincial medals.
All 50+ women currently racing in either the Master 40+ Sport Women or Master 40+ Expert Women categories have the choice as to whether they want to compete in this category for the Provincial Championship or remain in their current category in the hopes of obtaining Ontario Cup Points. Please note there will be NO Ontario Cup points awarded for the Master 50+ Women category.
At the end of the season, a discussion will take place as to the full series inclusion of this category in 2012 and beyond so we hope to see a number of ladies out there giving it their all for the chance to become the first inaugural Master 50+ Women XC Provincial Champion.
Pre-registration is now open and closes Wednesday September 7 at midnight.
For more information on Provincial Championships and eligibility checkout
Courtesy OCA
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