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Cycling 4 Women


August 23/11 16:14 pm - Specialized Trail Crew Looking for Canadians

Posted by Editor on 08/23/11

Specialized is looking for a few good riders in Canada to join our Specialized Trail Crew. We're taking applications until September 13th. The Trail Crew is a bunch of cool cats who blog, tweet, post and otherwise let the world know how much they love mountain biking. We're here to help!

We'll set a sweet deal for the bike (an all-new 2012 Specialized MTB), and these riders won't have to pay for it until almost a year later. Throughout the year, each of these riders will have the opportunity to share stories both on and off the bike. The more they share, the cheaper their bike will become. Share a lot and get the whole thing for free, or you can simply give the bike back at the end of the year (not likely). It's one of those "everybody wins" situations. There's a ton more info here: including how to apply.


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