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Cycling 4 Women


September 9/11 9:24 am - We Need More Cowbell V Conky's Cross Crusad

Posted by Editoress on 09/9/11

We Need More Cowbell V Conky's Cross Crusade, Presented by  CXFEVER.COM


The fifth edition of the 'We Need More Cowbell Cyclocross race', is coming to you September 18th at Burgoyne Woods, St. Catharines, Ontario and has been re-packaged as Conky’s Cross Crusade.  Conky made several verbal threats after we ignored his cross skills last year thus we had to name the race in his honor.
The course  will the same as last year. There will be free coffee, muffins, juice, water and a post race hot tub party (not really, but that would be cool). The Team CF (Cystic Fibrosis) kid's race will be held again, and will run at 12:45 prior to the last start of the day. This event is free to all kids - you just need a helmet and a big smile.

 This will be the first southern cup of the year and I think the field will be wide open.  This is because my kids are busy, and I have not had much internet stalking time to check results.
This will also mark a team change for me as I am riding for Team CF in order to raise awareness of Cystic Fibrosis, a disease that both of my awesome children are currently battling.  Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. There is no cure. CF is a multi-system disease, primarily affecting the lungs and digestive system. To learn more about CF here are a few links
 I will still be rocking the Kona Major Jake cross bikes that have been provided with the help of Kona Canada and Liberty! Bikes of  St.catharines. I would like to thank HandleBars CC for their support over the last 5 years.
 So I invite all to show up and race or simply cheer on the crossers and mini crossers at this year’s event.

Sponsors for this year's event are:


Courtesy Nathan Chown


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