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September 22/11 12:17 pm - 2012 Canadian MTB Calendar

Posted by Editor on 09/22/11

Along with the UCI announcing the 2012 World Cup calendar, the US and Canadian Calendars were also released.  The US calendar was posted in Daily News yesterday, the Canadian calendar is below


Preliminary 2012
Canadian MTB Calendar
May 19-20 Canada Cup Mont Tremblant XCO/DHI Mont Tremblant , QC
May 27 Canada Cup - Baie-Saint-Paul XCO Baie-Saint-Paul , QC
June 3 Canada Cup Trek Store - Hardwood Ski And Bike XCO Oro Station, ON
June 10 Canada Cup Canmore XCO
Canmore, AB
June 16-17 Canadian National Championships XCO St Felicien, QC
June 23-24 UCI World Cup Mont-Sainte-Anne XCO/DHI Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC
July 16-17 Canadian National Championships - DHI/4X - Mont Ste Anne Mont-Sainte-Anne, QC
August 4 Canada Cup Panorama DHI Panorama, BC
August 5-7 TransRockies - TR3 XCS Fernie, BC
August 24-26 Raid Extreme Bras du Nord XCS Saint Raymond, QC

NOTE: This is the provisional calendar and subject to change


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