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September 25/11 18:20 pm - Cycling BC Schools Program Begins Again

Posted by Editoress on 09/25/11

School has started!! Hope you are all enjoying the first week back.

We are ready and wanting to set up a time to come into your school. We have spoken about the target age group that will be most appropriate for us, therefore we are looking to reach out to ages 9-16.





We are extremely flexible with our program and we want to make this as easy as possible for you. We are able to provide various options that best suit your schools needs. These include:

• Assembly
• Cycling program in your school for a day, a week, once a week, etc
• After school program for your students
• Testing of students cycling ability in your school for a day…and much more.





If you are still interested in some of these options, please contact Nathan MacDonald at with some dates that work, the option you are interested in and the amount of students of the required age group you have available at your school.

As well, please pass this along to other schools that might be interested. The more the better! Also, we have a new learn to race program starting in October. Please check out the link for more information!

Thanks again and I look forward to hearing back from you!

Brianna Waldman, High Performance & Youth Development Manager, Cycling BC






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