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September 30/11 21:15 pm - BC News: Upcoming Events and results

Posted by Editoress on 09/30/11

News from across the province of British Columbia


Mid Island Velo Association is hosting a series of four CX clinics and races. Venue will be beside the Nanaimo BMX track in Beban Park. First of the weekly events will be on October 11th. from 4.30pm to dusk. More information from

Burnaby Velodrome

BVC membership, we are looking to find people willing to take some junior riders in for a few days for the Nov 11-13 camp/race. The best bet would be for a family that has a son or daughter participating in clinic. If you are able to house someone please let me know and I can add you to my list and pair you up if we have a request. Cheers, Jeremy

South Island Mountain Bike Society, Victoria

Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day

When: Sunday, October 2nd, (1:00pm – 4:00pm)

Where: Cobble Hill Mountain & Cleasby Bike Park

This is a great opportunity for you to pass your passion for pedaling on to KIDS. Plan to go mountain biking on the first Sunday in October - and bring a kid along for the ride!

We are currently seeking interested participants (Kids and Adults) as well as volunteers for all aspects of the event.

Please visit to register and for more detailed information.

For more information please contact
Matthuw Ronald-Jones
matthuw (at) or (250) 732-5232

Cross on the Rock
Another season of Island Cross Season is underway. Follow this link for the latest news.

New Cyclo-cross Only Website
Cycling BC is pleased to announce the launch of a Cyclo-cross specific website.

Check out the new site here.

Blizzard Bike Club, Fort St John BC

Pat Ferris won the Club Mountain Bike Championship for a 5th time, Sunday, on the Cactus Trails. He did the 2 long lap event in a time of 1:05:44. Travis Yagelniski was second at 1:07:56 and Gary Hilderman third at 1:14:30. George Gamble was 4th at 1:23:48. Stephen Ferris was forced to stop with a mechanical failure.

Roger St. Jean won the ‘Rogers Revenge’ (1 long lap and 1 short lap) with 1:02:57. Adam Currie was second at 1:12:56 and Davide Loro third at 1:16:12. Sam Keats was 4th at 1:20:23 and Barb Polehoykie 5th at 1:37:14.

Derit Kohler did 51 minutes and Chris Herriot 55 minutes for 1 long lap.

Thank you Ken Nix for timing!

There were three MTB champs on the start line with the group. Stephen Ferris pulled away to an early lead only to have a mechanical failure with a half a lap to go. Pat Ferris and Travis Yagelniski traded leads until the last half lap. Travis had a fall on the loose dirt downhill section and Pat Ferris was able to get a lead and hold it until the finish line.

In cycling Marathon news,on Saturday, Wim Kok completed the 200 km Fall Equinox brevet in a time of 8 hours and 58 minutes. This ride marked the conclusion of the 2011 marathon cycling season in the Peace. This year there were eight brevets, ranging in distance from 200 to 600 km. Each brevet saw one or or more participants, who covered a total of more that 6,400 km. Wim Kok, Jay Morrison and Erik Snucins completed the 200, 300, 400 and 600 km series and with it earned their Super Randonneur medal. They also qualified to participate in the 2011 edition of Paris-Brest-Paris event in France. As far as 2012 is concerned a new schedule will be submitted to the Brevet Randonneurs Mondiale in Paris in the next few weeks.

Upcoming: Sunday is a cyclo cross race at the High School at 2 pm.


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