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March 28/12 20:36 pm - Ontario Mountain Bike Spring 8HR Relay Registration Opens

Posted by Editoress on 03/28/12

The Opus Spring Epic 8 Hour Relay enters into its twelfth season and takes place Saturday May 26th at Mansfield Outdoor Center just North of Alliston. Over 700 riders are expected to descend on Mansfield Outdoor Centre including the crew from Kijiji with their Rockin’ K-Car to turn some laps.

As with any Chico Relay there is no restriction on the number of laps, or the roster order teams complete these laps - the goals is to get as many laps in as quickly as possible in 8 hours. For the endurance buffs there is a solo category, which will have nearly 100 riders competing!

The 10.5 kilometre course promises to impress not only the veteran riders, but also the less experienced trail riders. The rolling countryside of Dufferin County provides the backdrop for the Epic 8 Hour, and Mansfield Outdoor Centre offers an amazing mixture of wide doubletrack trails, and narrow singletrack trails, with plenty of unique topography. Back by popular demand, the course will also feature a 2-way feedzone, equipped with a massive sound system! Riders will be sure to enjoy a chance to get refreshments twice a lap. Mansfield also offers incredibly well draining trails that hold up to spring weather better than anywhere else in Southern Ontario.

Camping is also available on site for a nominal additional fee, and a kid’s race takes place at 2:00 pm, on their very own race course! Additionally, all participants will have a chance to win an awesome new mountain bike courtesy of Opus.

Take advantage of the early bird discount and register your team by May 11th at midnight to save. Be sure to get your riding friends together for an awesome day of mountain biking at Mansfield Outdoor Centre!

Visit for more information and registration.


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