Canadian Cyclist - Cycling 4 Women
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Cycling 4 Women


April 19/12 18:38 pm - Take the C4W Survey and Win Prizes

Posted by Editoress on 04/19/12

Welcome to the Cycling4Women reader survey. This survey will provide us with information about who comes to our website, your cycling habits and what you do (and don't) prefer about Cycling4Women.

This information will be used by Cycling4Women to improve our sites, and to better market ourselves to potential advertisers (who are an important source of revenue for the continuation of this site). The personal information you provide will not be provided to any outside source, and will only be viewed by Cycling4Women.

The survey will take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete. You are not required to provide an e-mail address, but if you choose to do so, you will be entered in a draw for a selection of draw prizes provided by Specialized Canada, including tires, saddles, gloves and pumps. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

Take the survey.


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