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Cycling 4 Women


April 23/12 17:54 pm - May 6th Open Day at the BVC Velodrome

Posted by Editoress on 04/23/12

On Sunday May 6th we are having an Open Day at the velodrome. This is a free event for all comers and will provide and easy introduction to the track using our rental fleet and our LTR instructors. Full information is available on the BVC website . Our hope is that we can expand our membership over the summer through an introductory summer membership and our newly streamlined LTR structure.

This is a great opportunity for you to encourage any friends or family who might have an interest in riding the track to get a quick taste of the fun they have been missing. It would also be great if you could send a quick note to your road club as well. The more the merrier. Your help in promoting this event is most appreciated.


Courtesy BVC


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