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August 10/12 12:27 pm - BNS XC Mountain Bike standings

Posted by Editoress on 08/10/12

Standings after 4 of 7 events in the BNS Cross Country Mountain Bike Series. The best 6 of 7 count to final placing.


Men A
1 Jeff Simms (Louis Garneau) 385.47 pts
2 Dustin MacBurnie (Louis Garneau) 383.53
3 Brandon Curry (Valley Stove and Cycle ) 382.32
4 Martin Austin (Louis Garneau) 373.54
5 Robert Klue (Cyclesmith) 359.39
6 Alan Miner (Valley Stove and Cycle ) 312.14
7 Terry Tomlin (Oakley -Atlantic) 290.82
8 Jon Burgess (Oakley -Atlantic) 280.06
9 Andre Landre (Fitworks) 266.57
10 Tyler D'arcy (Norco) 265.21
11 Jim Brittain (Valley Stove and Cycle) 252.5
12 Randy Gray (Cyclesmith) 252.29
13 Stephen Flanagan (Independant) 246.16
14 Lucas McCulloch (Pictou County Cycle) 243.93
15 Andrew L'Esperance (Norco) 200
16 Jamie Lamb (Cyclesmith) 197.76
17 Jason Lagace (Alternatives) 174.27
18 Mike Leblanc (Mike's Bike Shop) 164.97
19 Stephen Cameron (Oakley -Atlantic) 163.88
20 Brian McKeown (Radical Edge) 99.98
21 Neil Symington (Outdoor Elements) 92.68
22 Lorenzo Caterini (Hub Cycle) 88.86
23 Jean-Richard Cormier (Mike's Bike Shop) 87.94
24 Mike Bolden (Radical Edge) 85.99
25 Shawn Hamilton (Radical Edge) 85.18
26 Colin Banks (Valley Stove and Cycle) 84.77
27 Mark Miller (Independant) 84.39
28 Andrew Batchela (Bike Guys) 83.63
29 Jeremy Babcock (Independant) 83.38
30 Jamie Hynes (Independant) 82.66
31 Justin Hines (Independant) 82.33
32 Mike Turnbull (St.John Cycling) 82
33 Christian Charette (Mike's Bike Shop) 81.28
34 Julien Russell (Fitworks) 80.91
35 Simon Trivettt (Atlantic Cycling Centre) 80.81
36 Craig Harper (Consolvo Bikes) 80.41
37 Jeff Currie (Mike's Bike Shop) 78.62
38 Bruce MacPherson (Sizzler BBQ) 78.06
39 Charles Davis (St.John Cycling) 66.45
40 Alex Harvey (Independant) 0
41 Brent Thompson (Independant) 0
42 Matt Cormier (Independant) 0
43 Zachary Steinman (Java Blend) 0
Women A
1 Lola Doucet (Bicycles Plus) 242.11 pts
2 Kaarin Tae (Java Blend) 200
3 Annik Belanger (Fitworks) 160.09
4 Sherry Huybers (Pictou County Cycling) 159.12
5 Krista Koval (Fitworks) 100
6 Zuzanna Ecerova (Cyclesmith) 100
7 Kathryn Sykes (Pictou County Cycling) 80.72
8 Carolyn Towell (Valley Stove and Cycle) 79.62
9 Heidi Cook (Independant) 78.54
10 Rene Therieault (Radical Edge) 65.9
11 Joanne Cyr-Allen (Cyclesmith) 0
Men B
1 Conor Scallion (Hub Cycle) 387.56 pts
2 Issaac Benvie (Hub Cycle) 375.98
3 Chad Smith (Independant) 365.88
4 Aaron Perrott (Bicycles Plus) 343.79
5 Jeff Deuville (Hub Cycle) 318.17
6 Brent Noble (Hub Cycle) 294.68
7 Mark MacDonald (Pictou County Cycle) 293.37
8 Zachary Steinman (Java Blend) 293.03
9 Douglas Smith (Bicycles Plus) 281.04
10 Randy Comeau (Cyclesmith) 273.67
11 Senna Bryden (Savages) 252.32
12 Simon Myatt (Cyclesmith) 238.76
13 Tony Bowron (Independant) 216.94
14 Lawrence Plug (Java Blend) 188.71
15 Aaron Neaves (Pictou County Cycling) 186.61
16 John Newgard (Java Blend) 183.46
17 Karl Fritz (Hub Cycle ) 177.75
18 Serge Belanger (Fitworks) 175.71
19 Christopher Sandford (Independant) 157.63
21 Allan (James) Scott (Pictou County Cycle ) 152.4
21 Chris Price (O'Regans Subaru) 100
22 Andrew Batchekar (Alternatives) 100
23 Tyler Medagilia (Independant) 96.4
24 Fred Zotti (Arrow Racing) 95.27
25 Mitchell MacDonald (O'Regans Subaru) 92.21
26 Matthew Rockwell (O'Regans Subaru) 91.95
27 Daniel Breau (Independant) 88.31
28 David Lutes (Independant) 87.73
29 Cole Donovan (Radical Edge) 86.94
30 Mike Hutchinson (Valley Stove & Cycle) 86.02
31 B Goobie (Mike's Bike Shop) 85.86
32 Luke Tudor (Alternatives) 85.8
33 Matt Webb (Pictou County Cycle) 85.62
34 Rob Stone (Radical Edge) 84.81
35 Andrew Pickard (Independant) 84.54
36 Devon Doiron (Incline Sports) 84.41
37 Craig Lorge (Pictou County Cycle) 84.39
38 Don Ricker (Mike's Bike Shop) 82.06
39 Shane Eno (O'Regans Subaru) 81.65
40 Russell Deveau (Independant) 81
41 Ryan Lindh (Valley Stove and Cycle) 80.76
42 Kevin Waller (Independant) 80.52
43 Chris Foster (Independant) 80.29
44 Keith Croucher (Independant) 80.05
45 Nathan Garrett (Independant) 79.27
46 Julien Banque (Atlantic Cycling Centre) 78.7
47 Arthur Gullachsen (Independant) 78
48 Martin Nillett (Pictou County Cycle) 76.49
49 Steve Chisholm (Independant) 72.46
50 Guy Pellerin (Independant) 72.46
51 Matt Bernard (Finbars) 70.7
52 Tim Brooks (Independant)
53 Tyler Bernard (Independant)
54 Charles Cormier (Independant)
55 Carl Fritz (Independant)
B Women
1 Odette Comeau (Cyclesmith) 400 pts
2 Mackenzie Myatt (Cyclesmith) 276.23
3 Joanne Cyr-Allen (cyclesmith) 275.69
4 Nancy Munro (Cyclesmith) 240.52
5 Lisa Bowe (Java Blend) 84.92
6 Bridgitte Dionne (Consolvo) 75.17
7 Alana Murray (Pictou County Cycle) 72.77
8 Rachel Parkins (Mike's Bike Shop) 56.47
1 Lonny Curry (Valley Stove&Cycle) 383.97 pts
2 Rod Blois (Hub Cycle) 346.48
3 Urs Ritter (Independant) 327.68
4 CJ Hartsough (Pictou County Cycle) 297.82
5 Derek Ozon (Cyclesmith) 266.11
6 Roy Rasmussen (Hub Cycle) 265.33
7 Patrick Vandermulin (Hub Cycle) 242.75
8 Daniel Harrington (Hub Cycle) 185.62
9 Jeff Addison (Hub Cycle) 180.3
10 Craig Bezanson (Cyclesmith) 169.6
11 Michael Strang (Independant) 140.12
12 Dean Gallant (Incline Sports) 100
13 Scott Campbell (Incline Sports) 99.88
14 Alan Avis (Bicycles Plus) 95.16
15 Tracey Mackenzie (Team "fat old guy") 94.41
16 Keith Godfrey (Fitworks) 94.1
17 Sean Ritchey (Mike's Bike Shop) 93.7
18 Darre Simmie (Incline Sports) 89.86
19 Josh Brown (Independant) 89.79
20 Danny Cook (Independant) 85.82
21 Carl Ballard (Hub Cycle) 81.85
22 Armand Caron (Java Blend) 77.55
23 Anthony K (Independant) 76.45
24 Gerard Gillis (Independant) 69.08
U17 Men
1 Liam Whitman (Cyclesmith ) 388.64 pts
2 Luc Comeau (Cyclesmith) 386.62
3 Elijah Belleveau (Hub Cycle) 364.91
4 Clayton Bryden (Independant) 210.09
5 Colin Greig (Independant) 85.18
6 Jonathon Newcombe (Hub Cycle) 80.04
7 Jeremy Henderson (Independant) 79.52
8 Matt Lingley (Cyclesmith) 74.65
9 Jessie Cain (Hub Cycle) 73.51
10 Alec Wyllie (Radical Edge) 66.65
11 Dillon MacLeod (Hub Cycle) 56.61
12 Celina Hebert (Independant) 0
13 Luke Knowles (Independant) 0
14 Jamie Forsyth (Independant) 0
15 Matthew Kamermans (Cyclesmith) 0
16 Devyn Gillis (imd) 0
17 Kyle MacKenzie (Independant) 0
U15 Male
1 Noah Patriquin (Hub Cycle) 400 pts
2 Ian Myatt (Cyclesmith) 390.59
3 Mitchell Crowell (Hub Cycle) 170.27
4 Calvin Turple (Cyclesmith) 158.98
5 Matthew Rinehart (Radical Edge) 92.24
6 Alexander Lynch (Independant) 83.63
7 Jack Gillis (Independant) 73.47
8 Adam Simms (Hub Cycle) 57.19
9 Ben Kammermans (Independant) 0
U15 Women
1 Anya Monroe (Cyclesmith ) 400 pts
2 Janice Noble (Hub Cycle ) 169.25
U13 Men
1 Anthony Arseneau (Atlantic Cycling Centre) 377.04 pts
2 Jeremy Allen (Cyclesmith) 365.57
3 Peter Vandermeulin (Hub Cycle) 330.05
4 Brett Deuville (Hub Cycle) 326.91
5 Jack Morrison (Hub Cycle) 264.31
6 Mason Hutchinson (Valley Stove&Cycle) 76.75
7 Ben Gillis (Independant) 67.64
8 Ty Hutchinson (Valley Stove&Cycle) 65.98
9 Hudson Cameron (Independant) 60.3
10 Darian Ozon (Independant) 45.84
U13 Women
1 Maura Whitman (Cyclesmith) 400 pts
2 Isabelle Allen (Cyclesmith) 365.4
3 Laura Godfrey (Fitworks) 67.44


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