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Cycling 4 Women


August 15/12 10:45 am - Mardis cyclistes de Lachine: Race 10 and Final GC

Posted by Editoress on 08/15/12

Elisabeth Albert (Rocky Mountain-Forget) won the final race in the 201 series and took the overall by a significant margin over Ruth Maclean (Powerwatts- FITTIME)


Results from the August 15th Final

1 Elisabeth Albert (Rocky Mountain-Forget Aub) 66 pts
2 Veronique Drapeau- Zgoralski (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 53
3 Rosalie Cardin- Houde (cc IAMGOLD) 43
4 Ruth McLean (Powerwatts FITTIME) 40
5 Catherine Couture (Indépendant-RP) 26
6 Melyssa Fortin (VCL- André Cycle) 11
7 Gabrielle Pilote Fortin (Deda/HYPE) 11
8 Audrey- Anne Blais (Espoirs de Laval Primeau Vé) 10
9 Catherine Ouellette (VCL- André Cycle) 10
10 Keltie Campbell (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 10
11 Alizee Brien (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 10
12 Laurie Dumas (Powerwatts- FITTIME) 10
13 Evelyne Gagnon (Stevens Racing p/b The Cyc) 10
14 Virginie Gauthier (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 10
15 Helene Pilote- Fortin (Deda/HYPE) 10
16 Adriane Provost (Stevens Racing p/b the Cyc) 10
17 Marie- Soleil Blais (McGill Cycling) 10
18 Amelie Bruneau (Espoirs Quilicot) 10
19 Josiane Lessard (VCL- André Cycle) 10
20 Roxanne Pepin (cc IAMGOLD) 10
21 Marie- Eve Poisson (Alma Acura Ultraviolet Devi) 10
Final Standings
1 Elisabeth Albert (Rocky Mountain-Forget Aub) 538 pts
2 Ruth Maclean (Powerwatts- FITTIME) 277
3 Catherine Couture (Indépendant-RP) 270
4 Rosalie Cardin- Houde (cc IAMGOLD) 206
5 Veronique Drapeau- Zgoralski (Zgoralski Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 192
6 Adriane Provost (Stevens Racing p/b the Cyc) 121
7 Florence Laplante Lamarche (Indépendant-RP) 117
8 Laurie Dumas (Powerwatts- FITTIME) 109
9 Anne- Marie B. Morin (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 83
10 Virginie Gauthier (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 75
11 Evelyne Gagnon (Stevens Racing p/b The Cy) 72
12 Alizee Brien (Specialized-Mazda-SGC) 59
13 Catherine Ouellette (VCL- André Cycle) 41
14 Audrey- Anne Blais (Espoirs de Laval Primeau V) 40
15 Roxanne Pepin (cc IAMGOLD) 33
16 Amelie Bruneau (Espoirs Quilicot) 32
17 Josiane Lessard (VCL- André Cycle) 32
18 Julie Bellerose (Metromint Cycling) 31
19 Josee Lessard (Iris) 31
20 Melyssa Fortin (VCL- André Cycle) 21
21 Marie- Soleil Blais (McGill Cycling) 20
22 Gabrielle Matte (cc IAMGOLD) 20
23 Renaude Tousignant (cc IAMGOLD) 20
24 Rosalie Cyr (cc IAMGOLD) 20
25 Gabrielle Pilote Fortin (Deda/HYPE) 11
26 Keltie Campbell (Ottawa Bicycle Club) 10
27 Helene Pilote- Fortin (Deda/HYPE) 10
28 Marie- Eve Poisson (Alma Acura Ultraviolet Dev) 10
29 Anne Marie Jean (Atrium) 10
30 Sharlie Caumartin (Espoirs de Laval Primeau V 5

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