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August 17/12 10:10 am - Ride for Rob Ford Online

Posted by Editor on 08/17/12

On June 19th, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford finished his much-publicized weight-loss challenge. His 'Cut the Waist Challenge' was a good way to raise awareness of the medical perils associated with being overweight. But his personal result was less than inspiring. Over the course of six months he lost a mere 18 pounds.

Perhaps if he rode a bike to work he would have fared better.

It's unlikely that Rob Ford will ever get on a bicycle. But with, Dukes's Cycle has done just that. features an animated Rob Ford, pedaling a bike. Riders can 'donate' their bike commute to his waistline. Over time, and with each 'donation,' the Rob Ford avatar becomes more and more fit.

The intent of is to demonstrate the fitness benefits of bicycling in the city. Health Canada recommends 30 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise daily. A bicycle commute usually meets this.

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