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October 25/12 12:04 pm - Vote for Sprockids

Posted by Editoress on 10/25/12

Doug Detwiller, the founder of Sprockids, needs the cycling community's help to access funding for a mountain biking program for aboriginal kids. Aviva Community Fund Ideas is sponsoring a competition for community projects like Sprockids, with the project receiving the most online votes eligible to receive up to $100,000 in funding.

Sprockids is teaming up with Patrick Lucas, a community planner who works with First Nations Communities throughout B.C. They are looking to raise funds to initiate the Sprockids Program in Aboriginal communities throughout BC.

Project Details

Doug Detwiller: "I believe mountain biking is a wonderful sport that brings many benefits, including the opportunity to get outdoors and exercise. I'm teaming up with some collegues in the local biking community to bring these benefits to Aboriginal Youth in rural and remote communities and to help make the sport accessible. We're calling it the Aboriginal Youth Mountain Biking Initiative."

The Program's initiatives will include:

• Building mountain bike skills parks and trails in or near Aboriginal communities
• Professional instruction and mountain bike riding workshops
• Hosting workshops on trail building, bike maintenance and bike repair
• Raising funds and assisting Aboriginal Youth obtain mountain biking equipment

The lead organization for this initiative is Sprockids, a program that was developed in 1990 in Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast of BC as a self-esteem/anger management program for youth ( Since then Sprockids has evolved into a multi-faced program engaging thousands of young people in mountain biking while teaching them skills, values and strategies to succeed in life.

Voting Instructions
1. Register to Vote - Go to to enter your email and a create an Aviva password.
2. Confirm Voting Registration - Aviva will send you a registration confirmation by email. Open the email and click on the link to confirm your registration.
3. Vote - Go to to vote. You can vote once per day for 15 days.


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