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October 27/12 17:23 pm - Cycling Celebration Honours Athletes

Posted by Editoress on 10/27/12

On Friday night (October 26th), in Toronto, over 150 people gathered to honour Canada's top cyclists at the Cycling Celebration organized by Cycling Canada.  Most of Canada's 2012 Olympians and Paralympians were in attendance, and thousands of dollars were raised for the Race Clean program through a silent auction of donated items, including five framed and autographed images from Canadian Cyclist.

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Athletes and staff who were part of the London games of 2012


One of the highlights of the evening was the 'roast' of Clara Hughes, who retired after the London Games, her sixth Olympics in cycling and speed skating.  Clara is the only person in history to have won multipe medals in both the Summer and Winter Olympics (two in cycling and four in speed skating).



Claa Hughes and some young fans


Tanya Dubnicoff, a former world champion who started her cycling career with Clara in Winnipeg, recounted some of the early road trips they took together, while our Editor, Rob Jones, talked about Clara's first crash-filled road race as part of a team he and the Editoress were running.

Cycling Canada will hold their Annual General Meeting and election of Board members on Sunday.




Some of the item auctioned off for the Race Clean program



 Randy Ferguson interviews members of the bronze medal winning Team pursuit squad


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