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November 8/12 19:18 pm - Escape Velocity Grand Prix of Cyclocross and Toy Ride

Posted by Editoress on 11/8/12

EV GP of CX – BC Cup #3

The cyclocross battles of the season are fully locked in.  Regardless if you are battling for 1st or 20th, you know there is that racer that you are always doing battle with.  Show ‘em what you got at the EV GP of CX on Saturday, November 10th  –  BC Cup race #3.  This is a great opportunity to come out and fine tune for the Canadian National Cyclocross Championships on Saturday, November 17th.  Novice/beginner? The EV GP of CX is a great course for you.  Challenging enough to be fun, but nothing that you can’t overcome!

Pre-reg is open until 8:00pm on Friday, November 9th here   ($25)

There will also be day-of registration for $35

Location: Burnaby’s Fraser Foreshore Park (South end of Byrne road).

10:30 AM: 3-4 Men/Citizen/U17 (40 minute race)
11:40 AM : 3-4 Masters Men/Open Women/Masters Women (45 minute race)
1:00 PM: Elite Men (60 minute race) | Master Men 1/2 (60 minute race) | Single Speed (45 minute race)
This could be a very fun weekend of cross, if you are game.  The Cross on the Rock series is hosting a race in Victoria on Sunday, and Interior Cross has a race on Monday.  How often does that happen? 

Other import links:
Cross on the Rock
Interior Cross
Canadian CX Champs
BC GP of CX (not to be confused with EV GP of CX).

What this?  A toy ride?
EV is delighted, once again, to host the annual Toy Ride, where we invite racing (or merely racy) cyclists from all clubs (or no club) to join us in raising money for the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, an organization that provides food vouchers and toys for low income families in the Vancouver area.

But this year, we're doing it a bit differently. The Toy Ride will be this year's Grand Prix of Cyclocross, which means you have some options about how you spend your morning.

Come to gawk at the cyclocrossers, and we'll have volunteers ready to take your donation.

But if you want to race the cyclocross race, that's great too. We encourage it, even! Come on out, and we will collect donations (new toys accepted, cash should work, but cheques are preferred; LMCB can give you a tax receipt for a cheque, too) from 9 AM until noon that day. If you just want to watch the race, you can still donate too.

And if you want to sleep in, where it's warm and dry? You can donate too! Donations can be mailed to the Lower Mainland Christmas Bureau, 3rd floor 1870 Pandora St Vancouver B.C. V5L-1M5. You should make them payable to the LMCB, and if you like, you can memo it as "EV Toy Ride."

A Little History
The Toy Ride has a storied past, lost in the mists of history, but its current iteration was revived by the late Lorne Bodin, a member of Team Soliton, which later merged with EV. Since then, Cam Finnigan, another Soliton alumnus and current EVer, has organized the Toy Ride annually. Last year's ride raised over $1300.
Time: 9:00 am-noon
Place: Fraser Foreshore Park, Burnaby
More Info: Cam Finnigan,


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