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January 8/13 9:41 am - Employment Opportunity: Program Director / Coach - Road Racing

Posted by Editoress on 01/8/13

WattsUp Cycling is looking for an interested and qualified individual to spearhead the development, promotion, and operation of a road cycling training and racing program at WattsUp Cycling. The program's projected start date is November 1, 2013.

The Program Director will work alongside WattsUp to develop a road racing and training program targeting Toronto-based adult cyclists who have an interest in road racing. The target demographic is both male and female, 30 years old and over.

WattsUp will provide the facility, administrative, testing, and communications
regarding the program. WattsUp is an indoor cycling facility, complete with 25 CompuTrainers, 4 eMotion rollers, lactate/VO2 testing, heat simulation chamber, altitude simulator, and cycling-specific strengthening equipment. On site bike storage, change rooms, showers, and washrooms. WattsUp offers a one-of-a-kind training facility for use by the Program Director.

The Program Director will handle the 'nuts and bolts' of the program itself, including among other things:

• program design and documentation
• program promotions
• liasing with cycling clubs, shops, and other cycling-related operations to generate interest in the program
• rider recruitment
• program delivery and monitoring

Qualifications: WattsUp is looking for a candidate who:

• has a genuine interest in improving athletes’ enjoyment of and performance in cycling
• is a self-starter, with a knack for self-promotion
• yet is relatively calm and low-key
• has excellent inter-personal skills and is able to relate and connect with the target demographic
• has solid organizational skills
• has significant personal experience in competitive road racing
• has experience in coaching competitive road cyclists
• is well-versed in the use of power as it relates to cycling
• is willing and able to do on-site class instruction in the early morning and evening (ie, before and after riders' 9 to 5 jobs)

Compensation: WattsUp is looking for an individual with an entrepreneurial spirit, with the program being structured to the mutual and equal benefit of both the Program Director and WattsUp.

Projected Timeline:

• January/February: candidate selection
• March to October: collaboration between Program Director and WattsUp to develop and promote the program and recruit riders
• November: program debut

Accepting submissions until January 31st. Please send to:


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