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January 17/13 13:44 pm - Cycling BC Reinstates Provincial Coach Richard Wooles

Posted by Editoress on 01/17/13

Cycling BC has issued a short statement on its website that Richard Wooles has been reinstated as Manager and Provincial Coach. Wooles left the Association last fall and sued for wrongful dismissal after disagreements over budgets and funding with Executive Director Keith Ryan became acrimonious. (See Daily News: B.C. Provincial Coach Sues Association)

Cycling BC statement:

Cycling BC is pleased to announce the reinstatement of Richard Wooles to the position of Manager and Provincial Coach. The Cycling BC Board of Directors and Richard regret the situation that led to his dismissal and are pleased that he has accepted to re-join Cycling BC.

Richard’s record of success in High Performance coaching activities, plus his strong fundraising abilities will provide a welcome boost for Cycling BC.


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