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February 13/13 17:02 pm - Cycling Canada Announces Strategic Plan for 2013-2016

Posted by Editoress on 02/13/13

Members of the Cycling Canada Board of Directors and senior staff gathered in Toronto this past weekend to complete the final steps of the strategic planning process that was initiated in February of 2012.  The process included a wide ranging consultation with stakeholders that included interviews and surveys, and a review of the findings of those consultations at the Annual General Meeting last October.

Since then work has been done on the medium term objectives and annual targets for the organization and how they will be measured through key performance indicators.

The Board also gave its full support and endorsement to the revised staffing structure of the organization.  Our partners in pursuit of the mission of Cycling CanadaSport Canada, Own the Podium and the Canadian Olympic Committee, have provided their initial  support decisions. In the case of both the high performance plan and ongoing development programs the support has been retained or increased.

With this in mind the revised structure will see enhanced capacity to support our affiliated provincial and territorial member associations within the domestic development realm with two new positions being put in place.  The postings for these positions will be announced by the end of this month.

In the high performance area there will be additional support from an expansion of the number of development coaches to allow a greater focus on talent identification and talent development in partnership with the provincial/territorial associations. The overall support to high performance, in both the mainstream and para-cycling realms, will be increased. Additional positions in the high performance area will also be posted before the end of the month.

“We are pleased that our partners have shown their confidence in our plans and performances allowing us to enhance our services to our stakeholders,” said Greg Mathieu, Chief Executive Officer and Secretary General of Cycling Canada.

A summary of the new Strategic Plan will be released before it takes effect in April of this year.


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