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February 14/13 11:45 am - Employment Opportunity: Toronto

Posted by Editoress on 02/14/13

Lead Mechanic at Community Bicycle Network

CBN is a non-profit organization that repairs bikes, sells new and used parts, rents trailers and bikes at affordable rates, and offers space to practice and learn bike mechanics and cycling skills. We currently have an opening for a Lead Mechanic.

Responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to:
•Provide mechanical oversight on work that is done in the shop to ensure high standards of repair on customer bikes.
•Maintaining rental bicycles and trailers.
•Providing mechanic service to the public.
•Assist and educate the public in fixing and maintaining bikes.
•Assist in donation drives of bicycles.
•Be involved in the ongoing training of staff mechanics at the shop level.

To be eligible for this position, applicants will have a minimum of 2800 hours experience as Shop Bike Mechanics (roughly 4 seasons)

If you think you would work well in our busy atmosphere and understand our mission of providing affordable and practical transportation to the community, please send us your resume:

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday February 20, 2013.
The start date is March 2013.

The Community Bicycle Network is committed to an anti-oppressive, anti-discriminatory and equitable hiring process.


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