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Cycling 4 Women


February 19/13 14:30 pm - Tour de Speed Ontario Youth Cup

Posted by Editoress on 02/19/13

On June 15th the Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club will be hosting the seventh annual Tour de Speed Cycling race. This race is part of the Ontario Cycling Association's Youth Cup Series.

Races are run on a unique triangular 4.4 kilometre closed course on paved rural roads, just 20 kilometres north of Newmarket, Ontario. The Tour de Speed has become Ontario's premiere youth race and attracts over 90 of the best riders from across southern Ontario, due to the high calibre of competition and organization. Events consist of a Skills Competition, a TT (3.0 or 4.4 kilometres) and a Road Race (8.6 to 30.1 kilometres) ,with points earned towards the Ontario Cycling Association's Youth Cup Series. The Tour de Speed is open to boys and girls aged 9 to 16. The race is still four months in the future but planning and organizing is well underway.

For more information, download the Race Flyer.

In addition, the organizers are always on the look-out for sponsors able to provide prizes, swag or food and drink for the free BBQ lunch provided. Should you or any of your associates be able to assist with the race, they would love to hear from you.

The Community Centre is booked, the roads are secured and all the support services are in place. The only thing missing (besides the riders) is YOU! If you’ve helped out before you know how much fun it is and how much the kids enjoy the day.

If you are able to help out, whether it’s only for an hour or for the whole day, please send an e-mail to Include your name, your availability and what you would like to do.

The organizers are looking for contributions of items for:

• Fund raising raffles - preferably cycling related including gear, clothing, food, equipment;
• Swag bags - also preferably cycling related;
• Canteen - coffee, milk, soft-drinks, cookies, muffins;
• Post-race recovery - e.g. water, fruit, chocolate milk, gels, powders, bars;
• BBQ lunch items - patties, buns, water, soft drinks, cookies, coffee, vegetables and fruit.


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