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August 16/13 11:04 am - Employment Opportunity - National Track Sprint Coach

Posted by Editoress on 08/16/13

The Track Sprint Coach will be a key member of Cycling Canada’s high performance coaching team determined to achieve podium success at the World Championships and Olympic Games.

The National Track Sprint Coach will implement the technical direction that will lead to the building of a robust world class sprint program. With the support of the Track Integrated Services Team (IST), the Track Sprint Coach will establish an optimal daily training environment through the creation and implementation of world class training programs for identified track sprinters. The Track Sprint Coach will work closely with the Track Development Coach to establish talent identification and development strategies to increase the mass of international calibre athletes coming into the track program.

Key Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

• Ensure optimal daily training environment for all identified elite and development sprint track athletes.
• In collaboration with the IST, ensure the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of athlete training and preparation for competition.
• Develop and execute annual Track Sprint program budgets.
• Ensure optimal competitive and training conditions and the completion of all support activities required for effective execution of National Team programs.
• Assist in the development of yearly track sprint program selection policies and ensure constant follow-through of the policies.
• Provide counsel to the Performance Development Director or Development Coordinator in matters pertaining to the track LTAD framework and the coaching content of the track NCCP modules.

Knowledge and Skills:

Cycling Canada is looking for a coach that has worked effectively in a national or similar high level structure or program, has had success coaching at the international level and has superior interpersonal and motivational skills. The successful candidate will need to be certified at Level 4 of the National Coaching Certification Program or eligible for equivalency based on past experience.

The following knowledge, skills or experience will be considered assets:

• experience in the application of sports science, sports medicine and technology to improve performance
• evidence of professional development activities that contribute to the coach’s ability to lead a successful program
• the ability to communicate in both official languages
• the ability to work with new technologies to communicate with athletes and coaches within the system

Salary Range: Minimum $ 80,000

Type of Position: Full Time - Employee

Application Deadline: August 30, 2013

Starting Date: September 30, 2013


Full Job Description


Contact Information:

Greg Mathieu
Cycling Canada
2197 Riverside Drive
Ottawa , ON, Canada
Tel. 613-248-1353
Fax. 613-248-9311


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