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Cycling 4 Women


October 21/13 14:06 pm - Forest City Velodrome Season-Opener

Posted by Editoress on 10/21/13

The 2014 race season kicked off on Saturday night (October 19th) at the Forest City Velodrome.  Fast legs seemed to be the area all the racers have been working on, as they were all spinning like crazy in all divisions.

There were a good cross section of racers from across the province taking part in the first of 19 race nights throughout the winter.  The two top teams from the 2013 road season (Team CHCH and InVita-FCV), as well as the Team Attack youth team, took turns putting the hurt on one another.  In all divisions, the riders attacked and kept the speed high in all the races during the first night of racing.

There were outstanding performances in several divisions. Ben Perry and Jesse Schultz were the leaders in the "A" division as they captured podiums in the Points and Scratch races, as well as the Miss and Out.  In the "B" division, Ian Currie, Logan McIntyre, Lucas Taylor were on the podium in the Points and Scratch races, Chris Ernst had a breakout night reaching the podium in the Miss and Out.

The Women's division had seven ladies racing for top honours during the evening.  Sarah Mason, Saska Kowalchuk, Ruby West, Clare Holton and Naomi Desousa were on their game in all the events, with each of the young women getting onto the podium during the evenings races.  The battle at the front all night was between Sarah Mason and Saska Kowalchuck; both women attacked one another all night, with Mason winning two of the three events and Saska capturing the top step of the podium in the Endurance race at the end of the night.  It was a very entertaining evening of racing for our top divisions.

In the Future Star division we had to split the kids into two divisions based on ability.  Newcomer Aiden (oh no, another Aiden) Zeversenuke won all three events including the Last Man Standing event to almost advance directly into the "C" group at next weekend's events at the FCV.  Also capturing podiums on Saturday night in the Future Stars categories were Liam Langford, Wesley Hill, Daniel Gregory, Reilly Parteger, Easton Mclean, Liam Goodreau and Shlok Ahuja.

The next event at the FCV is this Saturday night (October 26th) with the featured events the two Madisons that start and finish the program.  Racing will begin at 7:00 pm.  All categories will have multiple events, including the Future Stars.


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Report courtesy Rob Good


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