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January 7/14 20:01 pm - SDRCC - Call for Applications for Arbitrators and Mediators

Posted by Editoress on 01/7/14

The Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (SDRCC) is seeking Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service providers to act as resolution facilitators, mediators, med/arb neutrals, and arbitrators, for resolving or assisting parties in resolving sports-related disputes, for a mandate beginning November 1, 2014.

The ADR service providers will be remunerated for their services in accordance with the policies of the SDRCC. The selection process will be completed in the spring of 2014 and the successful candidates will be required to attend the SDRCC Arbitrator and Mediator Conference in Ottawa on November 6-8, 2014 in order to be admitted to the roster.

For a complete description of the selection criteria and the application process, please consult the Call for Applications published on the SDRCC website at Here.

Applications must be received by the SDRCC no later than 4 p.m. (EST) on February 7, 2014.


The SDRCC is a not-for-profit corporation created by federal legislation and funded by Sport Canada. The mission of the SDRCC is to provide the sport community with a national alternative dispute resolution service and strengthen the culture of fairness in Canadian sport by resolving disputes quickly and efficiently and to provide expertise and assistance regarding alternative dispute resolution.


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